Weapon Brown

"I've got a lot of names, depending on who you ask. I'll let you call me Chuck."
"You call good ol' Weapon Brown."
"I kill for a living. There's a lot of guys in my line of work, and they're all cheaper than me. If all you want is to put a hole in somebody, you hire one of them."
"But if you want to take out a tank crew of battle-hardened scum and fall asleep knowing they died screaming --"—Chuck "Weapon" Brown
It is years after the last war, and the world has ended.
The fighting, though, that still continues.
Surviving—no, thriving—in this world is "Weapon" Brown, a cybernetic mercenary with absolutely no pity and balls that could crack diamonds. Together with his man-eating dog Snoop, they eke out a living as a pair of mercenaries. If you want something done to someone, don't need any questions answered, and absolutely need to make sure the poor bastards suffer, you call Weapon Brown.
In other words, Weapon Brown is Peanuts, only set After the End and Grim Darker than Warhammer 40,000. Filled with great art and Shout-Outs to just about every syndicated comic out there, Weapon Brown Needs More Love.
The comic started out as a side project to cartoonist Jason Yungbluth's comic Deep Fried. The first Weapon Brown story was called "A Peanut Scorned", and was originally included as a bonus in the printed versions of issues 1-4 of Deep Fried. It starts off by telling the origin story of Charles "Weapon" Brown, and sequences into his quest to save his red-haired girlfriend from his insane former friend, Linus van Pelt, who plans to use her in his attempt to finally summon The Great Pumpkin, all while he runs into other characters from the Peanuts universe.
Yungbluth would eventually shift gears, and made Weapon Brown his main focus. Having already used the characters from Peanuts, he decided to widen the scope, and include elements and characters from just about every newspaper strip out there, in order to make the bigger and more epic follow-up, Blockhead's War.
It can be read at http://www.whatisdeepfried.com/, starting here. It is most certainly Not Safe for Work, with nudity, sex, and Gorn.
- Animals Lack Attributes: Averted with Snoop and HOBS.
- Anti-Hero: Good ol' Weapon Brown.
- After the End: "The Last War", which more or less ended human civilization.
- Animesque: Huey and Riley Freeman are half-Japanese.
- April Fools' Day: In one strip, Chuck and Crokk are revealed to be Beepo and Roadkill, the main characters from Deep Fried, in rubber suits.
- Berserk Button: Don't hurt Snoop. Weapon will not be pleased.
- Annie knows one of Brown's actual buttons (an invitation to play football) from the first story. She uses it to make him have rough sex with her. As in he's got his gun to her head rough.
- Big Damn Heroes: A Big Damn Dog Army!
- Black Comedy
- Bond One-Liner
- Christmas Special: Merry Christmas, Blockheads.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Brown does not outright kill the people that have really gotten themselves on his bad side. He wants to hear them beg continuously for it first.
- Crapsack World
- Dagwood Sandwich: Here and here.
- Darker and Edgier: As many syndicated comic strips as possible, although it started with just "Peanuts".
- Dead Baby Comedy: CAL-v.1N juggling babies.
- Death by Sex: Miss Buckley. Annie is probably doomed too.
- Annie's trapped in an elevator with Cal, of course she's doomed.
- Determinator: "Weapon" Brown.
- Died Standing Up: The expy of The Phantom gets his head blown clean off. Not only does he die standing, he becomes the corpse that walks!
- Evil Counterpart/Evil Knockoff: CALv1n and HOBS are sort of this for Chuck and Snoop. Of course, Chuck isn't exactly good...
- Fan Disservice: Chuck battles the Neanderthal savage Alley Oop. You know that big hairy patch over Alley Oop's crotch? It's not a loincloth. My eyes.
- Honourable mentions also go to Mary Worth in a rubber catsuit, and Dagwood in Mad Max leather.
- Fan Service: Miss Bucksley, the late Honey Huan, and possibly Anne, if she didn't have eyes like that thing in Splice.
- Faux Affably Evil: CALv1n in spades.
- Funetik Aksent: Displayed by a fair number of characters, but taken to extremes with Hilda.
- "Dalab! Brakka glazz! Brakit ffurritseez ennamore!" The lab! Break the glass! Break it before it sees any more!
- Fun with Acronyms: Cyber Augmented Legionnaire - version 1 N and his Heuristically Optimized Bonding Surrogate; U.S. Agro-Commerce Research & Engineering Station.
- Future Badass: Just about every character who was a child in their own comic has grown up into a post-apocalyptic asskicker.
- Except for those becoming monsters. The Katzenjammer kids are impersonating Kuato from Total Recall.
- Future Food Is Artificial: Schmoo. You really don't want to know what it is.
- Gone Horribly Wrong (or maybe Gone Horribly Right): CAL-v1.N.
- The Hedonist: Duke. He does not seem to care about the fact that he is having sex and taking drugs during the business meetings with the other members of the Syndicate. Then again, neither do they.
- Hotter and Sexier: Among other things, "Mint" Patty and Marcy are bisexuals in a BDSM relationship. Surprisingly, given what happened to her boyfriend, post-apocalyptic Olive Oyle looks pretty good (and surprisingly curvy). Or rather, looked.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: HOBS. On a souped-up Zamboni.
- Klingon Promotion: Horns (aka the Pointy Haired Boss) becomes chairman of the Syndicate this way by defenestrating Mr. Dithers.
- La Résistance
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Loads.
- Loud of War: Loud music was used to torture Chuck Brown. Even better, it's by Deathtöngue.
- MacGuffin: Miss Bucksley's genetically enhanced breast milk.
- Oh, if only that's what it was. It's not. It's the Garf's excrement.
- Meaningful Name: Beetle Bailey is a disgusting bug-human hybrid.
- Noodle Incident: CAL-v.1N was transformed into a superhuman killing machine when an experiment called "Project Noodle" went awry. We're given just enough info about Project Noodle to know that he's a very unpleasant young man.
- Pietà Plagiarism: ME GOYLE!!
- Pokémon-Speak: Garfield.
- Prophet Eyes: Anne has them. What, did you think everybody has eyes like that?
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: For the bad guys since Calvin kills Garf.
- Shout-Out: Oh god, hundreds.
- Stealth Pun: The monster is called the Garf. The huge boneyard it lives in is thus a Garf-field.
- The Syndicate: The main organization of villains is actually called this, a clever pun on the fact that most newspaper comics are distributed through syndication.
- Take That: Ever notice how BC gradually got turned into a soapbox for its writer's religious views? Chuck certainly did.
- This Was His True Form: HOBS reverts to a cuddly toy upon death. Snoop rips his head off just to be sure.
- X Meets Y: Peanuts Meets Mad Max. Yes.