< Weakness Turns Her On
Weakness Turns Her On/Playing With
Basic Trope: A female liking a weak male.
- Straight: Bob is shown to be stronger than Colin, but Alice chose to date Colin instead.
- Exaggerated: Colin is so weak, he can't squish a fly, yet Alice chose to date him.
- Downplayed: Colin is not in any sports, unlike Bob, yet Alice chose to date him.
- Justified: Alice left an abusive relationship and feels safer with a guy she knows is too weak /isn't tough enough to beat her.
- Inverted: Bob is stronger than Colin, so Alice dated Bob.
- Subverted: Bob is stronger than Colin, but Colin is smarter, and that's why Alice chose to date Colin.
- Double Subverted: However, Alice is already clever, so his intelligence could not be put to use.
- Triple Subverted: Alice still needs an intelligent person to talk to though, and that's where Colin come in.
- Parodied: Colin was dumped for a weaker man, who was, in turn, dumped for yet another weaker man.
- Alice masturbates to Colin's Wangst.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: ???
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Colin started to act so weak and pathetic in a competition that Alice feels sorry for him and chose him over Bob.
- Exploited: Knowing Alice's chose of man, he decided not to train up for a competition.
- Defied: Colin decided that being weak in a strength competition just for Alice is not worth it.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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