We Who Suggest Ourselves
The work of one Beacon 515 L, We, Who Suggest Ourselves is an Ivalice Alliance fanfic. It concerns the life and times of Liam Malheur-Randell, a trained organist and engineer; Samantha, his sister and adoptive daughter, and; Edgar Burkhalter, a theoretical physicist with an aversion to competence. An experiment gone horribly wrong (or not) carries the three across a rift in the fabric of space-time, depositing them in Ivalice. Thoroughly lost, the two siblings essentially flounder about until sheer happenstance lands them with semi-permanent lodgings, food and later work; the third falls into the lower castes of society and tries to build up from there.
The fic began life as the backstory to Beacon's cameo appearance in an abandoned (and since revived) fan-project. In the wake of the project's abandonment, Beacon expanded the story extensively, intending to encompass the entirety of the former project's plot and preserve it as fanfic. It quickly took its own direction and became thoroughly shaped by various Gothic novels and French literature, combined with somewhat ridiculous amounts of research and finesse. The result is... length. Much of it. Even now, barely three chapters in.
The fic can be read here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6360742/1/We_Who_Suggest_Ourselves
This page was created (and is largely maintained) by the author, and serves in part as way of organizing his notes. As the fanfic is still in progress, expect some speculation, retcon and of course, spoilers.
We, Who Suggest Ourselves contains examples of the following:
- Author Filibuster: Egregiously.
- Author Appeal: Many examples throughout, not least of which are musical instruments of a large and windy persuasion.
- "A totally pointless excuse to write at length about moogles."
- Author Avatar: Liam.
- Brother-Sister Incest: It is not yet clear whether Liam and Sam are so much as aware of that fine line...
- Break the Cutie: Gurdy trying to find Boco in the storm, and failing. Epicly.
- Drama Bomb: Pretty much one per chapter.
- In the prologue, it's even toroidal.
- Lemony Narrator: AND HOW.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Sam to Liam.
- Mad Scientist: Edgar is somewhere between this and The Mengele. Exactly where remains to be seen.
- Metamorphosis: Liam and Sam into moogles, Edgar into a Nu Mou.
- Mundane Made Awesome: The single greatest and most terrible act of Edgar's life was shorting out the Large Hadron Collider's circuit breakers with coffee and tripping the sprinkers by smoking. Justified by what happened next.
- Ominous Pipe Organ: Inverted, at least to Liam.
- Padding: The narrator has a habit of going on lengthy tangents now and again, some relevant to the plot, some not so much, tending towards the latter rather than the former. Word of God says this is a Shout-Out to Victor Hugo.
- Promotion to Parent: Liam.
- Self-Insert Fic
- Shout-Out: The epigraph is from Robert Burns' To A Mouse.
- Trapped in Another World