Watchmen: The High School Years

A YouTube series parodying Watchmen in a High School AU setting.

A high school comedian practicing to emcee at the talent show is pushed off the edge of the stage by a mysterious attacker, and is left incapacitated in the nurse's office. Only a masked, hoodie-wearing student calling himself Rorschach dares to investigate, with his reluctant, nerdy best friend Dan by his side.

It's Better Than It Sounds. And it's hilarious.

The whole series can be viewed here, unless you're in the United States. In that case, you can see the first three chapters at

Tropes used in Watchmen: The High School Years include:
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Rorschach acquires one in detention.
  • Affectionate Parody
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: To a certain extent. Dan and Rorschach are pretty much just their canon selves aged down to fit the setting (with certain degrees of humor added), but Laurie is reduced to being merely a chatty Meganekko side character Dan crushes on, Adrian Veidt is a pompous, fluffy-haired theater kid in a sweatband, Jon Osterman pretty much already has all of his isolation and monotone even before his lab accident and finds being blue and able to blow people up mostly inconsequential, and the Comedian is merely exactly what his name says- a comedian.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Adrian, though the ambiguity seems downplayed in favor of "Rorschach is convinced he is".

Rorschach: Possibly homosexual? Must investigate further."
Adrian: (from the next room) I HEARD THAT. AND I'M NOT GAY.

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