Wars of Equestria

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Wars of Equestria is a Play By Post Role Play forum and the Spiritual Successor to Equestria Chronicles, dealing with a similar rebel/guard conflict.

In this universe, the Princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were sealed away in the end stages of a war with Tirek, and Prince Blueblood had ascended to the throne. The Blueblood line had theoretically been trained to take the throne in the event that the princesses fall and Equestria needs a leader, but as the two goddesses were widely considered immortal, the teachings of how to run a nation had been ignored, and Prince Blueblood was left with virtually no idea what he was doing. However, a general by the name of Sky Skimmer saw the Prince's incompetence as an opportunity to take power, and he began to manipulate Blueblood as a puppet king and controlled Equestria himself, instating a great number of unjust laws that the populace cried out against. This, in turn, has caused a rebellion to form led by a council of five ponies (Wave Dancer, Lancer, Spiral Stream, Wing Song and Clever Clover) that actively resists the rule of Blueblood and the new laws.

Set roughly four years after the battle with Tirek, the main Role-Play is set in and around the capital city of Canterlot. Gray and Gray Morality is the order of the day with a heavy emphasis on Slice of Life threads and scenarios with the occasional over-arcing plot of the rebellion tying them together. It is fairly Grimdark, though only for the overall concept; the threads themselves range from Lighter and Softer to Darker and Edgier which is mostly dependent on the participants.

The site itself can be found Here

This My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Fan Role Play provides examples of:

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Icefox, complete with a whip and hat.
  • Anything That Moves: Snowbird, oh so very much.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Pony naming traditions can lend themselves to this quite easily.
  • Badass Adorable: It's a civil war of technicolor, talking ponies. It's a bit of a foregone conclusion.
  • Badass Longcoat: Icefox turned the Cloak of Aristides into a magically-reinforced duster.
  • Badass Normal: A lot of earth ponies are this.
  • Big Bad: Prince Blueblood.
  • Bigger Bad: General Sky Skimmer.
  • Brutal Honesty: Galaxy tends to fall into this, thanks to her habit of avoiding self-delusion.
  • Child by Rape: Fireflare, as well as her son Moonshine.
  • Dark Action Girl: Lasciel, on the rare occasion when she has a body.
  • Doom Magnet: Wishing Star. Fireflare and Snowbird catch the majority of the fallout, but it spills onto other characters pretty often.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: The local pretty boy Shiloh is quite often mistaken for a filly.
  • Eye Scream: Galaxy violently lost her eyes as a filly, and still hasn't completely gotten over her lack of sight.
  • Film Noir: Blackflame tends to talk in first-person monologues reminiscent of this style.
  • Five-Man Band: A few have formed, so far.
  • Gender Bender: There is a market for trangender pins, mostly in red light districts.
  • Genius Bruiser: Icefox, the university professor that basically invented his own (surprisingly effective) martial art.
  • Magitek: It's generally accepted that magic is used consecutivly with technology.
  • Meaningful Name: A lot, but Anduriel and Lasciel stand out as the names of two fallen angels.
  • Nebulous Evil Organization: Eclipse.
    • The rebel High Council isn't really evil, but they've definitely got the nebulous side down. Very few ponies besides the regional commanders have ever seen them, and even then only at the occasional meeting.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Snowbird acts borderline crazy most of the time, but only does it for fun and is actually very intelligent.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Shiloh. His first appearance was his own suicide, but damn was it awesome!
  • Rebel Leader: Icefox is the regional commander, and the High Council gives him his orders.
  • Silver Has Mystic Powers: In the same way that gemstones can act as batteries for magic energy, silver can conduct it.
  • Spiritual Successor: To Equestria Chronicles
  • Too Dumb to Live: Rue has shades of this. After all, even Eclipse tends to avoid breaking laws just because they feel like it.
  • Uncanny Valley Girl: Snowbird seems like a normal, if quirky, mare, but other characters are starting to notice her sanity beginning to slip...
  • Unicorn: Yep.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: General Sky Skimmer can be viewed as this.
  • Yandere: Nocturne is a type 2 toward Snowbird.
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