< Warriors Orochi

Warriors Orochi/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - Hayabusa's debut in Anegawa. Kiyomori is just reciting the spell to mind control people, and suddenly there comes Hayabusa, just standing up with Badass Arm-Fold behind him. Kiyomori intercepts, Hayabusa uses wall run to dodge Kiyomori, ending with a clean leaping slice. "Mission Accomplished". All to the tune of his Leitmotif, the remix of the Stage 4-2 NES Ninja Gaiden theme.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny - Quite a few, surprisingly. Possible candidate.

Huang Zhong: "I was being kidnapped by evil snake gods and forced to fight battles before you were even out of the cradle!"

  • Excuse Plot - So. We have a powerful demon who wants to fight the best that East Asia has to offer right. So what does he do? Take Three Kingdoms Era China and Sengoku Era Japan, then ram them together.
    • Warriors Orochi 3 hopes to give a fleshed-out plot that focuses on the relationships between the characters.
  • Fridge Horror - The third game's True Ending as explained here.
  • Game Breaker : Tons of it. The weapon system in general is this. Amongst the character, the most stand out example are Kunoichi in first two games thanks to her fast offense and Invincibility loop, Diao Chan in the first game, Cao Ren and Huang Zhong in the second game, Sun Jian in both games, and most Dynasty Warriors cast in the first game. Orochi himself counts, as long as you only used his first triangle attack.
    • Just like in its home series, Ryu Hayabusa's Izuna Drop.
    • In the Versus Mode on Warriors Orochi 2, the list of characters with at least one move satisfying this trope actually outstrips the list of characters too horrible to even use. By quite a margin at that.
  • Ho Yay/Foe Yay/Les Yay - Zhao Yun & Yukimura, Cao Pi & Mitsunari, Sun Shangxiang/Xingcai & Inahime, to name a few... Koei games in general are built upon these.
  • Lighter and Softer - Koei sure not only wanted these characters battle each other, they have made them have senses of humor talking to each other. The Dream Stages on WO 2 furthens this up a bit more, since they're no doubt even more lighthearted than usual.
    • Inverted for Orochi's story on WO 2, where, instead, it's Darker and Edgier, most notably on the final battle against Wei.
  • Magnificent Bastard - Nobunaga, naturally.
    • Don't forget about Cao Pi (in the first game) and Cao Cao (in the sequel).
  • Ruined FOREVER - No English VA for WO3!? This series is dead!!
  • Scrappy Mechanic - I get to control three characters, but why is it when the character I control dies, it's an automatic game over? What becomes of the other two?
  • So Cool Its Awesome - Worth noting that WO3, barring that one chink of no English VA, is thus far, the highest rated, most praised Warriors game ever that even the reviewers that usually hated the 'repetitive' Warriors games caved in for praise, considering it the ultimate definition of Warriors/Musou games.
  • Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - The long awaited rivalry between Lu Bu and Honda Tadakatsu. Toss in Achilles for good measure.
    • Also, a number of the Dream Stages play out like this. The Three Kingdoms leaders vs. the Unifiers of Japan, the legends of the Heike vs. the Daimyo of the Sengoku, the gods vs. the best of the mortals, Honda Tadakatsu, Lu Bu, Keiji Maeda vs. Orochi... the list goes on!
    • Ramped up again in the new Musou Orochi 2. Take all those, add the bonafide Greek Badass Achilles, and the Badass Video Game Ninja Ryu Hayabusa and you're in for an ultimate showdown. (Mildly Jossed in that Nezha apparently > Lu Bu and Achilles though.)
  • What If - This is the basis for many of the Dream Stages, set scenarios that allow for cool, strange, and outright peculiar combinations, and also give some depth to some of the characters.
  • Woolseyism - The "Enemy Defeated" lines get more variety for the Dynasty Warriors character to follow their Samurai Warriors counterpart.
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