< Warhammer 40000 Trouble
Warhammer 40000 Trouble/YMMV
- Canon Defilement: Attempted to be justified with various explanations
- Crazy Awesome:
- Kagami...just...Kagami
- North American Reserve Marine (alias: NARM, Angry Marines, Space Marines-wannabe, etc). They're what formed when you give /Tg a shitload of brightly-colored Powered Armor and warships. I Know Mortal Combat Up to Eleven indeed.
- Ear Worm:
- In addition of Berserk Button/ Restraining Bolt, one cannot simply FORGET the song, even Space Marine feel uneasy about this one...
- Although it can be cured by....NAANA-NA-NA-NA-NA,
Saki: Although this one STILL struck, it won't make us goes Batshit insane again.
- Game Breaker:
- Kagami singlehandedly PWND 24 Id-spawn before SPARTAN comes into the Rescue, and when he do Fusion Dance with Sousuke, it's God Mode Sue. Oshizu when she's hit Tranquil Fury, about one tier below God Mode Sue Sousuke. Both are Holy Hand Grenade (see below)
- Later, Sousuke, Kagami, Oshizu, and Saruyama gains their own Super Mode/ Limit Break, practically Game Breaker in unrestricted sense.
- Tastes Like Diabetes:
- Despite the Grimdark situation, this comes from Unwanted Harem Magical Girlfriend series so...
- note that Beta Couple are prone to this instead of main Love Dodecahedron, which swings between Hilarity Ensues and Reality Ensues.
- Toy Ship: Everyone saw Amane x Sousuke as this, while...well, actually beyond that.
- Uncanny Valley: Id's before they corrupted
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