< Warcraft


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  • We know that the Warcraft 3 storyine takes a lot of its structure from starcraft, but the order of the terrain takes a lot from Diablo 2. Compare:
    • Diablo 2: Act 1 takes place in a settled area, with some farms, buildings, and forested areas where it is not settled. Warcraft 3: The human and undead campaigns take place in Lordaeran, a partly settled, partly forested area.
    • Diablo 2: The end of act 1 is a monastery, a religious, possibly magical center. Warcraft 3: The last couple undead mission take place in the magical center of Dalaran.
    • Diablo 2: Act 2 takes place in a desert. Warcraft 3: The orc campaign mostly takes place in a dry area, partly desert, partly dry grassland.
    • Diablo 2: Act 3 takes place in a jungle. Warcraft 3: The Night elf campaign takes place in the dense forest of Ashenvale. (O.k., this one issomewhat weak, but it gets much stronger in Frozen Throne.)
    • Diablo 2: Act 3 takes place in a jungle. Warcraft 3: The night Elf frozen throne campaign's early and middle missions are in a tropical jungle as well.
    • Diablo 2: Later parts of Act 3 are in the ruined city of Kurast. Later parts of the Night Elf campaign, and early parts of the Blood elf campaign, take place in the ruined city of Dalaran.
    • Diablo 2: Act 4 takes place in hell, which is accessed through a portal in the previous city, is in another dimension, and the upper regions are composed of slabs of reddish rock floating in space. Warcraft 3: The later blood elf campaign takes place in Outland, which was accessed through a portal, is found in another dimension, is mostly composed (in warcraft 3) of reddish slabs of rock floating in space, and is also full of demons.
    • Diablo 2: The last part of act 4 takes place in the center of power of the main bad guy of the level, which is a blackish, with some reddish, building, with several skull piles sitting around. Warcraft 3: The last Blood Elf mission takes place in the Black citdael, and dark brown to reddish colored center of power of the main demonic ruler of outland.
    • Diablo 2: The first few levels of Harrogath take place in an somewhat sold area with lots of destroyed structures. Warcraft 3: the Sylvanas levels, and first couple of undead missions, take place in the destroyed lands of Lordaeran.
    • Diablo 2: Most of the Harrogath level takes place in Icy areas. Warcraft 3: The end missions in the undead campaign take place in an icy area.
  • Archimonde was destroyed by an enormous wisp detonation, which does nothing but drains mana and harms summoned units. The reason Archimonde was defeated so, was because Archimonde still technically qualified as a summoned unit.
    • I thought that at first also, however Archimonde isn't the only thing destroyed by the explosion; all nearby trees and other scenery are also set ablaze.
    • Also, the Wisps are Resource Gatherers, known for Harvesting Lumber by Circling Trees. While holding off Archimonde's attack, Wisps begin to appear and circle the smaller trees nearby the World Tree. Upon Archimonde reaching the World Tree, he begins to Absorb its Energy. Just before he does so, the Wisps switch from circling the smaller trees to circling the World Tree. As Archimonde Absorbs the World Tree's energy, the Wisps begin to circle Him'! Thus, he must have absorbed a portion of that which allows Wisps to Harvest Trees; the Wisps linked to it are now linked to him, to his very being... Then they Detonate.
  • Why do Scourge Meat Wagons deal siege damage, and in fact how does throwing a squishy corpse at a building deal any damage at all? It makes a little more sense when you consider that in ancient times, throwing plagued corpses over the walls at a city's defenders WAS a valid siege tactic, as an attempt to weaken or wipe out the defenders with plague. Still doesn't explain why it makes the buildings explode, though.
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