< War Horse
War Horse/YMMV
- Anvilicious: Did you know War Is Hell? Of course, Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped...
- Crowning Music of Awesome: "Year Turns Round Again".
- And we have John Williams for the film version. What do you expect?
- Ho Yay: Joey and Topthorn develop a very close friendship which involves intimate physical contact.
- Narm: Some of the more dramatic scenes are a bit overwrought, and Nicholl's death can be downright goofy-looking.
- Averted in the film with a Gory Discretion Shot - all we see is a blaze of slow-motion gunfire from the German guns, and then no more Capt. Loki.
- Nightmare Fuel: The war scenes.
- No Yay: Albert's devotion to Joey is implicitly compared to the love Taylor has for his girlfriend. Not to mention the puppetry calls to mind another play about a boy devoted to horses...
- Tear Jerker: THE WHOLE THING.
- Visual Effects of Awesome: The puppetry. After about 15 minutes you forget those horses aren't real. And that's not even getting into the amazing scenery or war effects.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Fridrich is continually appalled by the way the army treats prized horses, until his superior calls him out for caring more about the horses than about the millions of people dying around them.
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