< Wanting Is Better Than Having
Wanting Is Better Than Having/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character doggedly pursues a goal, only to realize after achieving it that the pursuit was better than the result.
- Straight: After ten years of effort, Bob finally wins the glittery "Troper of the Year" award, only to be disappointed when he discovers the trophy is a cheap plastic toy.
- Exaggerated: After discovering the trophy is a cheap plastic toy, Bob goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Or, after Bob travels 500 miles for the award ceremony, he doesn't attend. The journey was its own reward.
- Justified: Bob has previously only seen the trophy in a faded photograph, and misidentified its make and quality.
- Inverted: Previous "Troper of the Year" trophies have been cheap plastic toys, but the year Bob wins happens to be when it gets upgraded to a massive gold-plated prize.
- Subverted: After discovering the trophy is actually a cheap plastic toy, Bob realizes how shallow his pursuit of material worth was, and grows as a person.
- After discovering the trophy is a cheap plastic toy, Bob becomes ecstatic.
- Double Subverted: Bob's "emotional growth" was actually a facade and the first step of his mental breakdown.
- Parodied: ???
- Deconstructed: After discovering the trophy is actually a cheap plastic toy, Bob falls into a depressed funk when he thinks about all the time and effort he wasted trying to win it.
- Reconstructed: Alice proceeds to snap Bob out of the funk by informing him that even if the trophy's just a cheap plastic toy, he's also won the respect of many other tropers by winning it, and that that respect is worth more than any golden trophy.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: There is no "Troper of the Year" award or trophy.
- Enforced: Bob is the Butt Monkey in the show, and deflating his unrealistic expectations is a normal occurrence.
- Lampshaded: Alice comments to Bob that none of the awards she's won ever lived up to her expectations.
- Invoked: Alice, a previous award winner, deliberately overexaggerates the prize to give Bob unrealistic expectations.
- Defied: Alice warns Bob ahead of time that the "Troper of the Year" award is no big deal.
- Discussed: "Bob, your expectations for that award are so ridiculously high, you're bound to be disappointed when you finally win it."
- Conversed: "It's always fun watching Bob's expectations get deflated on this show."
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