Wands and Worlds
A discussion site focused on teen and children's fantasy and science fiction, Wands and Worlds was founded in 2005 by Sheila Ruth. It grew to incorporate a wide variety of active members from many fandoms, the most popular being Warriors, due to the semi-regular author chats held at the site. Although it is still used for book discussion, it has become more of a general forum for teens, and other ages as well.
Tropes used in Wands and Worlds include:
- Anyone Can Die: During a Mafia, to the point where normally benevolent members can turn quite sneaky.
- Badass Bookworm: Everyone can have their moments.
- Berserk Button:
- [feel free to add yours here]
- Big No: Taken to epic proportions on more than one occasion.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Ivyflower.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Reality and Fiction, etc.
- Cargo Ship: Jay x Stick
- Character Alignment:
- Chaotic Good: Losty
- Chaotic Neutral: Ivyflower, Sevenclaws
- True Neutral: Starsight
- Cloudcuckoolander: Sevenclaws, and proud of it.
- Cool Big Sis: Crescentmoon.
- Cool Old Lady: Starsight, AKA Long-Tongued Old Lady. This nickname was originally something of a Berserk Button but now seems to be tolerated for the most part.
- She's not THAT old...
- Crazy Cat Lady: Many members are self-identified Crazy Cat Ladies.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The Brightspirit thing (see Shout-Out).
- Dysfunction Junction
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Runningflame, although he hasn't been part of the ensemble in years.
- Expanded Universe: There is now a wiki.
- Fan Dumb: Averted more often than you'd expect.
- Fan Nickname: Happens to most members and more than a few fictional characters. Commonly takes the first part of the name and adds a y.
- Also "Wandie", as a term for any member of the site.
- Furry Fandom: Subverted - in the early days of Wands and Worlds' existence, most members referred to themselves as cats, as Warriors was the main (if not only) fandom then.
- Genki Girl: A lot of the younger members, most notably Forestpelt's early days.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Happens a lot more often now than it did in the past.
- Headphones Equal Isolation: Averted by several members.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Flametail and Lakestorm.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs / Gosh Dang It to Heck
- Insane Troll Logic: Occurs when one is bored in the chatroom for too long.
- It Has Been an Honor: Most members who are leaving say something to this effect.
- Large Ham: Lakestorm.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: This happens a lot among the forums.
- Lethal Chef: Spirithunter.
- Loads And Loads Of Members
- Memetic Mutation: *shot*
- The Nicknamer: Sevenclaws. His nicknames (and for that matter, himself) are undoubtedly the best. No contest.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse / Child Prodigy: Magicyop.
- The Rival: Rabbitfoot and Sevenclaws - it goes both ways, although Seven considers everyone else to be his rival to a lesser extent.
- Running Gag: Many.
- Shout-Out: The names Brightspirit, Braveheart, and Shiningheart from Long Shadows were coined by members in honor of a Warriors fan and her family who were killed by the February 2008 tornado in Kansas.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Sevenclaws, without a doubt. Not that anyone minds.
- Team Mom: Sheila.
- Teasing Creator: The author chats...
- There Are No Girls on the Internet: Averted - approximately 3 out of 4 members are female.
- Troll: Averted - at least as far as we know.
- True Companions
- The Watcher: There must be several members who aren't premium but read the forums anyway.
- What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Most of the discussions nowadays center around politics, books for adults, or random things found around the internet.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Political?: Losty's interpretation of some things.
- Why We're Bummed Communism Fell: Losty - for obvious reasons.
- Your Days Are Numbered: Premium membership only lasts a year.
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