Wake the Sleepers

Wake the Sleepers is a fantasy Web Comic that began in May 2010. It features a knight carrying an Artifact of Doom, a mercenary assassin, and a good-hearted little girl thief.
The site updates every Friday. Starts here.
Tropes used in Wake the Sleepers include:
- Apologises a Lot: Locke is sorry for apologizing so much.
- Black Eyes of Crazy
- Blood Oath: As per usual, binding contracts are sealed with blood.
- Chiaroscuro: The Prologue
- Cliff Hanger: The second chapter ends with Locke's rescuer declaring him "a deceiver" -- and the promise that chapter 3 will start a month later.
- Catching Some Zs: In the middle of a conversation.
- Conveniently an Orphan
- Dishing Out Dirt: Ren is a user of this type of magic.
- Dulcinea Effect: Rebecca tries to distract Madoc away from Locke. And Locke has to go and intervene.
- Hair of Gold: Locke's first question to a thief is whether she is all right. He then covers up for her and lets her stay the night. Diagnosis: "You are the nicest man I ever met."
- I Work Alone: Locke desires to travel alone.
- The Lost Woods: Where Locke flees.
- Magically-Binding Contract: Because it was Written In Blood, the job can't be aborted.
- Magnetic Hero: Oralee attaches herself to Locke.
- Medic: Oralee gets one for Locke.
- Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer
- Nice Guy
- Only in It For the Money
- People of Hair Color: Fair hair marks out a distinctive race.
- Right Behind Me: Madoc is asking after his target, and the barmaid obviously tries to distract him. He deduces this.
- Right Makes Might: Oralee's reason for believing Locke will win? He's nice.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Tainted Veins: Locke's hand.
- The Voiceless: Ren appears as this until the end of the chapter.
- Think Nothing of It: An offering of forgiveness.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works
- Visible Silence: Grief at a departure and uncertainty at a departure.
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