Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kidz
Animated Web Series created by HotDiggedyDemon. Wacky Game Jokez For Kidz (abbreviated WGJ4K) is a video game based comedy show. What separates it from all the others is the main character hates video games (and everyone around him) and is only doing the show because he's being forced to. The series can be found on Newgrounds or on Hot Diggedy Demon's Youtube Channel.
Tropes used in Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kidz include:
- Affably Evil - Surprisingly, Mickey comes off as this during one of his Mailbag segments (the one with multiple guest appearances.)
- Affectionate Parody - What WGJ4K is supposed to feature.
- Or a parody of videogame parodies/tributes themselves. See Evil, Inc. below.
- Book Dumb - More like Book Oblivious, mixed with Obfuscating Stupidity. The show features a review of a Legend of Zelda video game, but the "game" is actually a printed copy of Lord of the Flies.
- Neither Eric nor June seem to know what a book is, referring to them as "those paper things with words in them".
- Brick Joke - In one of the Fourth Wall Mail Slot episodes, Mickey's head is changed for the head of the cat from VGV's Vanity Plate. The, at the end of the episode (which is one of the longest episodes in the series, with over 10 mintes), the cat in the Vanity Plate has Mickey's head.
- Cluster F-Bomb - Retard and Faggot are probably the protagonist's favorite words. He can be rather creative with his extensive use of swearing though.
- Comic Trio - The main characters
- Evil, Inc. - VGV, Video Game Videos. It's is stated in the theme song that it's an "Evil Corporation". Mickey "confirms" that making video game videos for the internet is what makes them evil.
- Expository Theme Tune
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot - A whole episode dedicated to it.
- Gamer Girl - June. She even has it written on her shirt.
- Geek - Eric
- Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!: Double Subverted
Mickey: Shoot me! I'd rather be dead than spend one more minute cracking jokes about Master Chief!
- Hurricane of Puns - The Robert Burgless episode contains this.
- Jerkass - Mickey the Dick (duh).
- Laser-Guided Karma - Although in its way to being explained in the season finale, we assume Mickey's background makes him deserve the suffering his "job" causes him.
- Meaningful Name/Punny Name: June/Eric. As in, "generic".
- The New Rock and Roll - Mickey thinks this way about video games.
- Non-Indicative Name - It is most definitely not a show for kids about wacky game jokes.
- Rant-Inducing Slight - Subverted. June's gamer girl rant is set off by nothing.
Mickey: Nothing prompted that...
- Robot Buddy - Eric claims to be a robot, so...
- Shout-Out - To There Will Be Blood, of all things.
- Straw Character - Robert Burgless, believe it or not.
- Sure Why Not - June's response to a fan asking if she's the same June from KaBlam!.
- Surrounded by Idiots - Mickey the Dick again.
- Take That - Apparently towards the culture behind videogames.
- The Ditz - June
- The Short Guy with Glasses - Eric
- Troll - The Boss and Eric think Mickey acts like a dick just to elicit a reaction. Mickey denies it, though it is partly true.
- Two Gamers on a Couch - Subverted. Even when there are three main characters, we have only two gamers on the couch; June and Eric. Mickey is not a gamer at all.
- Ultimate Job Security - Mickey. For all the terrible things he does, it's surprising that VGV hasn't triggered the bomb on his leg yet.
- Somewhat justified, since Mickey really has no choice but to do their bidding.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Mickey
- Villain Protagonist - Mickey is a misanthropic Jerkass who used to spend his free time mugging old ladies. He would qualify for a type V anti-hero if he ever opposed VGV instead of begrudgingly working for them.
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