< W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)

W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)/Heartwarming

  • In the second-season episode "S is for Self", Will finally reunites with Matt, who has been possessed by the demon Shagon for several episodes. Once Matt breaks free of the demon's control with Will's help, the two share a tender kiss atop the roof of a building. Matt then re-unites with the members of his garage band.

Nigel: Matt! Sweet! Where you been?
Matt: Finding my will to rock. Speaking of which, we're doing... "The Will To Love".
Nigel: But we didn't rehearse it...
Matt: Trust me. We'll nail it.

  • Matt then proceeds to do just that, singing a heartfelt rendition of the song as Will, the girl he wrote it for, watches from the front row with tears of joy streaking down her face.*
  • The episode right after it, "T is for Trauma", features a heartwarming moment between Hay Lin and her boyfriend Eric. Hay Lin gets a new pair of braces, contributing to her Heroic BSOD later on in the episode after she is led by Nerissa to believe that own boyfriend has rejected her because of them (in addition to believing that her grandmother has turned to the side of evil). When Eric is released from Nerissa's spell...

Eric: Hey, you! When did you get braces?
Hay Lin: I know, they're... kinda ugly? * covers up her mouth*
Eric: How could anything look ugly on you? Besides, they're only temporary. * adorably* And they're so SHINY!
Hay Lin: * squees audibly, then glomps Eric and kisses him, lightly kicking her legs for a moment*

  • Another touching WITCH moment appears in the episode "E is for Enemy". Will's mom, dismayed with her daughter's slipping grades, has decided to move Will and herself back to Fadden Hills, away from her four best friends. The girls use this as an excuse to have a sleepover, which helps them defeat Nerissa, who had been intruding dangerously into the girls' dreams. Their victory celebration, however, wakes up Will's mother, causing her to charge into the room. She prepares to give Will a scolding when Taranee pleads with her not to move Will away. Will's mom dismisses the girls' pleas, saying that her decision is a "family matter". Hay Lin immediately chimes in with "we are Will's family!" and the four girls form a circle around Will, hugging her tightly. Her friends promise to help her with her studies, and Will gives a passionate speech about how much she cares about her friends and how moving back to Fadden Hills isn't the answer. Will's mother decides to let Will stay in Heatherfield, and the girls happily hug again.
  • Hay Lin's reunion with her grandma at the end of the first saga in the comics.
  • Will, near the end of H is for Hunted.

Will: I always wanted a sister.

  • I don't remeber the name of the episode, but it has a really cute Caleb/Blunk moment. Caleb thinks Blunk is dead or captured.

Caleb: (grabs one of Phobo's gaurds) Where is he! What did you do to my friend!
Blunk: (pops up seemingly out of nowhere) Caleb call Blunk friend!

    • Needless to say, it was a very cute moment.
  • Caleb with reuniting his father in the first season.
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