< Vuk the Little Fox

Vuk the Little Fox/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement: The animated film based on the novel is far more well-known than the original novel.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: A lots of people who haven't seen the sequel loathe it for various reasons. Those who actually saw it usually agree with them.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: The sequel. Fans of the original wish that the CGI film never existed.
  • Hatedom: The sequel gained one even before being released.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Many characters (even developed ones who had several lines) get not only killed, they are also eaten by our main protagonists. One scene has the title character devouring a duck 'till only its head remains. At no point are they drawn realistically -- everybody you see getting mauled is an honest-to-goodness cartoon character. Thankfully explicit Gorn is avoided, however.
  • Sequelitis: The second one, made in 2008, is pretty much the complete opposite of the original.
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