Voodoo Vince
Voodoo Vince is a Platform Game for the Xbox about a voodoo doll come to life. His creator is kidnapped, and he must rescue her by adventuring through crazy lands that have been warped and corrupted by "Zombie Dust". Voodoo Vince must use his voodoo doll powers and hurt himself to hurt enemies and progress.
A hilarious game, rife with Irony and Lampshading.
Tropes used in Voodoo Vince include:
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Almost everywhere. Justified in that Vince is only 10 inches tall, and the pipes are only absurdly spacious to him.
- Big Boo's Haunt: Crypt City.
- Buffy-Speak: Vince once says "Hey, it's one of those bell-ringy-thingies!"
- Kosmo once as well. "You little...doll...guy."
- Captain Obvious: Vince can be this sometimes. When dealing with the reanimated skeleton of a T-rex: "That can't be good."
- "I'm no scientist, but I bet that clock has something to do with time." Vince might have been sarcastic, though.
- He often starts making obvious statements when the player takes too long.
- "I'm no scientist, but I bet that clock has something to do with time." Vince might have been sarcastic, though.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Kosmo the Inscrutable
- Chainsaw Good: The Chainsaw voodoo power, appropriately enough.
- Chew Toy: Since he's a voodoo doll, physical abuse doesn't affect him - but nothing ever goes right for him.
- Circus of Fear: Carnival DePrave
- Colossus Climb: The final boss.
- Creepy Doll: Dolly.
- Deadpan Snarker: Vince.
- Dem Bones: Bones McMurty and the first boss battle.
- Damsel in Distress: Madame Charmaine.
- The Ditz: Professor Ethel. Her "complex scientific invention" is a balloon.
- Everything Is Trying to Kill You: "What now? A giant crab? A giant dog? A giant... carrot?"
- Every seemingly friendly character you encounter will eventually turn on you.
- Fetch Quest: The third area, where Crawdad Jimmy sends you out to get ingredients for his soup. Played with to some extent, as it's revealed that he was really just trying to stall you until Kosmo arrived.
- Gang Plank Galleon: A pirate ship at the Bayou.
- Ghost Butler: One escorts the player through several parts of Brusque Manor
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Most notably the second boss battle, but this applies to almost all the bosses.
- Ground Pound: With his head!
- Harmless Villain: Actually, Kosmo is quite harmful, but isn't really scary at all.
- Humongous Mecha: The final boss battle.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Kosmo
- Kill It with Fire: The way to deal with the surly gas pumps.
- Of Doom: A large piggy bank. Kosmo enhances it with repeated "of DOOOOOOM!"s.
- Puzzle Boss: Every boss is defeated by finding the right way to use the environment to deal damage to yourself.
- Rise to the Challenge: Inside the Kosmobot.
- Sequel Hook: Madame Charmaine hints at a sequel at the end.
- Super Drowning Skills: Justified since Vince is made of burlap and burlap sinks quite fast.
- Tempting Fate: "What next? The obligatory boss battle?"
- "Could it possibly get any worse?"..."Yes it can."
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: The cute little animals you have to kill to make sausages. The story requires you to do this, though.
- Vince's various voodoo powers, which inflict damage to him in some hilarious ways, also count.
- With the Hurting: Vince says some pretty funny stuff when he gets hurt, some of which fall into this catagory.
- What Might Have Been: Clayton Kauzlaric, the designer of the game, later posted information on scrapped level ideas, including, among other things, an entire Riverboat area, and an 18th-century society of roaches in Roachfort.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle
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