Vocaloid in The Walfasverse
Vocaloid in the Walfasverse ("ViW") is a web series created by Priffy Viole. It focuses around the misadventures of Len Kagamine (the titular Vocaloid) and PV.
Tropes used in Vocaloid in The Walfasverse include:
- Aborted Arc: Episode 5 was meant to be a movie, but production was canceled as of Episode 6.
- Bilingual Bonus: The fairies at the beginning of this video. They're speaking Esperanto.
- Esperanto, the Universal Language: See Bilingual Bonus.
- Expy: Several. Word of me.
- Zavaski is based on Cirno
- Alice Ravenheart is based on Patchouli Knowledge
- Shout-Out: Several, usually accompanied by a message stating "Joke stolen from (Insert series here)"
- The Danza: PV, in the remake of Episode 4.
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