< Viz Media

Viz Media/YMMV

/wiki/Viz Mediacreator
  • Never Live It Down: The company has earned the ire of fans (mainly towards their anime branch) in their later years, due to licensing series and suddenly stopping in the middle of their releases (most infamously with Monster), and concentrating on distributing Bleach, Naruto and little else. Granted, they can finish the releases of some shorter series on occasion (as was the case for Kekkaishi and the 90s Hunter X Hunter TV series).
  • Win Back the Crowd: For a long while, Viz fell off the radar of most American anime fans due to some poorly received business decisions in the early 2010's and most of their anime work being with Naruto and Bleach. They licensed a show every now and then, but they didn't have the same extensive catalog as other companies. However, the following helped put them back on the map...
    • When they announced they acquired Sailor Moon, and announced that it would be released with an all-new English dub, and it would be uncut and uncensored, a lot of fans rejoiced. In addition, they got the license to the never-released-in-America 5th season Sailor Stars.
    • 2015 was a big year for Viz when it came to anime licenses. Not only did they begin giving JoJo's Bizarre Adventure the treatment it deserves, but also announced One-Punch Man and Hunter X Hunter as anime licenses, two of the biggest recent anime.
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