< Virginity Makes You Stupid
Virginity Makes You Stupid/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character who is virginal and stupid. Usually a Naive Everygirl or an Unlucky Everydude, and sometimes a Purity Sue.
- Played Straight: Virginia may have Virgin Power, and she may be sweet and beautiful, but she is often handed the Idiot Ball.
- Exaggerated: Virginia is Too Dumb to Live.
- Justified: Virginia has led a sheltered existence (either as an Ordinary High School Student in Suburbia or as a Barrier Maiden locked away in a temple, and thus is rather naive.
- Inverted: Virginia is a virgin, but she's highly intelligent and Wise Beyond Their Years, and portrayed as perfect, or darn near perfect. She may even serve as a Magical Girlfriend or Team Mom.
- Alternatively: Virginia's a virgin because she's always been unlucky at love, leaving her jaded, bitter, and cynical. She's also quite possibly too smart for her own good.
- Alternatively: Virginia has had dozens of lovers, and is dumb as a post.
- Subverted: Virginia made a mistake but she learned from it.
- Virginia is Obfuscating Stupidity.
- Double Subverted: Only to suffer Aesop Amnesia and make the same (or a similar) mistake, causing Disaster Dominoes.
- Parodied: Virginia is Chaotic Stupid.
- Deconstructed: Virginia doesn't mean to be stupid. In fact, she's not stupid, just naive. Maybe it's due to Values Dissonance if she's in a different time and place than she usually is. Maybe it's due to her previously sheltered existence. Or maybe she's just under so much pressure being the MacGuffin Girl, Barrier Maiden, Miko, Queen of Somewheria, etc. that her nerves prevent her from thinking clearly; she's so worried about messing up that she ends up doing stupid things.
- Reconstructed: But, she learns from her mistakes, and becomes a more mature and wise person. She also learns what's acceptable and what's not for the culture she's in. And she gains more confidence and is able to fulfill her role more effectively.
- Zig Zagged: Sometimes Virginia holds the Idiot Ball, sometimes she holds the Smart Ball.
- Averted: Virginia is a virgin, but she's also very smart.
- Virginia is portrayed as neither overly smart or overly stupid, just a generic human being (who happens to be a virgin).
- Enforced: Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids
- Defied: Virginia is very Genre Savvy, and learns her role quickly. It's sink or swim, after all.
- Invoked: The Big Bad hears about Virginia's Virgin Power, and immediately pegs her as a Naive Everygirl whom he (or his minions) can easily seduce, thus causing her to lose her power and her status.
- Lampshaded: "Now, I know you've never done this before, but..."
- "Why should I listen to you? You're a virgin who can't drive!"
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs: The wielder of the Virgin Power is male, and tries (and fails) desperately to prove his manhood, even at the cost of his powers. Hilarity ensues.
- Played For Drama: See "Invoked"
Go back to Virginity Makes You Stupid, but this time, use the freaking doorknob.
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