Virgin Roster
"I'll train you as a sex slave."
"They are also sex slaves to be."
"She's one of my sex slaves to be."—Kengo Inui on every Bishoujo ever.
And so we have the protagonist of Virgin Roster in a nutshell. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen!
... What? Oh. The article. We'll get to it.
Virgin Roster is a H-Game that takes you to the shoes of Kengo Inui, a new Chemistry teacher with great mind, athletic skill and of course nice looks. But if you're reading the above blurb about himself, you should know that this is something that will go horribly wrong. Actually, it's even worse. You see, Kengo is actually a motherfucking bastard and his goal is to rape every woman he comes across and make them his Sex Slave and to sell them off to old men once they proved boring... and he goes to the next victim. Why? Because he can. Quite possibly the Devil himself in human form.
The plot is just simple point and click dialogue, but the goal... is to hunt down your victim and brutalize her in a horrific way. And just so you're hoping that there will be a comeuppance... nope, there's never gonna be a comeuppance for Kengo. He's free to rape all his victims unpunished and you are forced to watch, and Kengo WILL rape his victim, no exception, no escape. Yes. Such game exists.
Give this game a shot, if you feel brave enough. If you happen to like Kengo and feel pity of him instead of the girls he raped freely and consciously... "You have no soul" is probably too kind for you.
- Action Girl: Sometimes they try really hard. It doesn't work.
- Aloof Big Sister: Saki is this for Yuki.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bishoujo
- But Thou Must!: You can't make Kengo not rape the heroines.
- Blackmail
- The Chessmaster: Of rape.
- Child Prodigy: Ren is both an intellectual genius and incredibly good at tennis.
- Christmas Cake: Takako Kuga is a 27-year-old virgin.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Shinobu for Yuki. Kiyoka for Kengo and HOW.
- Complete Monster: Kengo Inui all but declares himself this in-universe. He has no compassion, no mercy, and no inhibition to his sadism, hedonism, sexism, and egoism. For him, women exist to be defiled, used, and disposed of by him and have no other purpose than being the medium of his pleasure.
- Cool Big Sis: Averted in Saki and Yuki's relationship, as Saki is kind of a bitch.
- Corrupt the Cutie: Kengo's Modus Operandi.
- Daddy's Girl: Shinobu, though this is due to not having a mother in her household. Unfortunately for her (and fortunately for Kengo) her father is in the navy and gone for several months.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Kengo knows too well what genre his game is. Justified in that he happens to be an expert in this subject.
- Defiled Forever: Invariably. Kengo does get kicks out of forever defiling virgins.
- Devil in Plain Sight: Kengo.
- Does Not Like Men: Shinobu, who hates Kengo especially, though not because she realizes what a monster he is. She's jealous of Yuki's affection for him.
- Downer Ending: All the heroines get raped! Rarely Kengo shares the sentiment it's a downer, though.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Kengo actually draws the line at people being turned into mindless and spineless raving drug-fiends, as he is simply disgusted at what happens to Saki in the worst Downer Ending.
- Though then again, part of this is because it's really annoying for him to have a desperate junkie hanging around his apartment who can't pay him for another fix with anything but sex.
- Extreme Doormat: Kiyoka.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Kengo himself is one. Additionally, where he ships the women off to after getting bored with them.
- Faux Affably Evil: Kengo has a creepy talent for being an unashamed Complete Monster even when not doing Moral Event Horizon qualifying stuff for the umpteenth time, simply by virtue of the fact his internal monologue in non-sexual situations winds up being about how to sadistically trigger another rape, and for extra Nightmare Fuel, he even compliments this by his verbal dialogue being a very deliberate contrast, which he will even snarkily lampshade.
- Fragile Flower: Kiyoka after the prologue.
- For the Evulz: Everything Kengo does he does to please himself.
- Genki Girl: Yuki.
- Good Is Not Nice: Saki. Poor Saki.
- Hannibal Lecture: Kengo can do this pretty well when needed.
- Happiness In Sex Slavery
- Harem Seeker: Kengo is this trope Gone Horribly Wrong.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Kengo feels genuine, unselfish remorse all of two times in the entire game for a brief several lines -- in the case of Saki and Tomo's boyfriend -- but it's far, far, far too late for either case.
- Hello, Nurse!: Takako Kuga.
- H-Game POV Character - Type VI A, full stop.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Most people who meet Kengo.
- Special mention goes to Yuki, who not only thinks he's a pretty nice guy, but actually develops a crush on him almost instantly.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- Insane Troll Logic: Kengo's lecture to Kiyoka about not losing her "chastity" because she had sex with him. He's not just some random guy (after all, they had known each other for at least five minutes before he raped her), so she's still pure and not Defiled Forever, as long as she just devotes herself to him entirely. By which he means, willingly become his Sex Slave.
Kengo (narrating): She looks bewildered at my crazy logic.
- I Shall Taunt You
- The Ingenue: Tomo.
- Insufferable Genius: Ren.
- It Got Worse: If you're not rooting for Kengo, it can ONLY get worse.
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Saki, especially to her sister, Yuki.
- Karma Houdini: Nothing actually all that bad ever happens to Kengo besides maybe limiting his victim supply or restricting him to one girl.
- Manipulative Bastard: Kengo.
- Meal Ticket: Kiyoka's ending has her becoming this for Kengo.
- Minored in Asskicking: Kengo. This is actually a bad thing.
- Naked Apron: Kiyoka gets forced into this. Strangely she doesn't seem to mind it much, though then again it is pretty tame compared to most things he has her do.
- Netorare: Inverted. Kengo is the one stealing the girl.
- Ojou: Kiyoka.
- Pet the Dog: Subverted by Kengo pretty much every time, especially with Kiyoka, who depending on your choices he saves from being raped or molested by other guys one or more times... so that he can rape or molest her himself.
- Post-Rape Taunt: Kengo does this to Tomo's boyfriend. Because.
- The Quiet One: Kiyoka.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil
- Sadist Game
- Sadist Teacher: Kengo becomes a temporary substitute teacher just so he can find attractive young females and make them his sex slaves.
- Sexual Extortion: Done to Tomo.
- Sex Slave: Duh.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Shinobu wants to be this with Yuki. Kengo knows this. Hilarity Ensues.
- Shrinking Violet: Kiyoka.
- Smug Snake: In almost every sense of the word. However, unlike the standard definition of this trope would imply, Kengo is actually a successful villain.
- Spoiled Sweet: Kiyoka's aloof demeanor, loads of cash, and huge tracts of land haven't won her many friends due to the popular perception that she's a Rich Bitch, but she's really just incredibly shy so this couldn't be farther from the truth... Until Kengo comes around.
- Start of Darkness: It's implied that Kengo became a Magnificent Bastard because in his youth, he was a male version of Ren, who is alienated from her peers, because they are envious and resentful of her genius.
- Straw Misogynist: Kengo kind of hates and feels superior to everyone anyway, though.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Kiyoka and Saki.
- Token Loli: Ren. Her screams of "but I'm just a child!" come to mind.
- Tomboy: Shinobu.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Shinobu and Yuki.
- Too Dumb to Fool: Saki instinctively hates Kengo. It does not save her.
- Trauma Conga Line: Kengo subjects the heroines to this.
- Troll: Kengo.
- Tsundere: Bwahahahah.
- Villain Protagonist
- Wicked Cultured: Kengo's witty and thoughtful if utterly insane inner-monologues qualify him for this. He also drinks tea while having sex and doesn't give a fuck.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Ren.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Kiyoka.
- Xanatos Gambit: Kengo performs several all for the sake of rape.
- Yandere: Kengo predicts Yuki will become this if he doesn't act prudently. She's not the only one.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Kiyoka, Yuki, and Shinobu.