Violent Shit

Prepare for the worst!
Violent Shit is an ultra low-budget Slasher Movie directed by Andreas Schnaas in 1987, and released on video two years later. It was immediately banned in West Germany due to its graphic violence.
It follows the story of a young man named Karl "The Butcher Shitter" Berger who goes on a heinous killing spree. It was followed by three sequels featuring Karl's son, Karl Jr., entitled Mother Hold My Hand, Infantry of Doom and Karl the Butcher vs. Axe.
Was covered by The Cinema Snob, and can be seen here.
It was also covered by Hellsing920, and can be seen here.
- After the End: Setting of the fourth film.
- Angrish: "Fucking damnit shit! Shit! What am I doing here, anyway? Shit! This bullshitting job is fucking me to shits!"
- An Arm and a Leg
- Ax Crazy
- Back From the Dead: Karl Sr. in Infantry of Doom.
- Beard of Evil: Karl Jr. in Infantry of Doom.
- BFS: Big Fucking Cleaver.
- Body Horror: The Karls' rotting skin.
- Bullying a Dragon: Mother Hold My Hand:
The Cinema Snob: "Why do people keep confronting him?! He looks like the word murderer, and he has a weapon! For God's sake Germans, walk away!"
- The Butcher
- Cool Mask: Karl Jr.'s face plate, which his followers have replicas of in Infantry of Doom.
- Decoy Protagonist: Everyone.
- Dolled-Up Installment: Nikos the Impaler, another Andrea Schnass project, is sometimes known as Violent Shit 4.
- Don't Go in The Woods
- Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo: II: Mother Hold My Hand and III: Infantry of Doom.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Infantry of Doom.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Fail O'Suckyname: K. the Butcher Shitter.
- Gainax Ending
- Gorn: And HOW.
- Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death
- Groin Attack: A series trademark.
- Guns Akimbo: Karl Jr. shooting up a theater in Mother Hold My Hand.
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Hooks and Crooks: A fishing hook, to the balls, in Mother Hold My Hand. Ugh. And tons of mutilations via hooked chains in Infantry of Doom.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Mother Hold My Hand:
"My boy, the time has come for you to hunt humans instead of animals."
- I'm a Humanitarian: Karl Sr.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Infantry of Doom.
- Intentionally Awkward Title
- Kill'Em All
- Knife Nut: Meat cleaver.
- Leave the Camera Running: During driving scenes in the first film.
- A Love to Dismember: Severed head blowjob in Mother Hold My Hand.
- Machete Mayhem: Karl Jr.'s main weapon, extending to his followers in Infantry of Doom.
- Made of Plasticine
- Mad Scientist: Doctor Senius in Infantry of Doom.
- Malevolent Masked Men
- Mister Seahorse: Karl Sr. gets pregnant... somehow.
- Mook: The Karls' followers in Infantry of Doom.
- Murderer POV
- Nail'Em: After being sliced across the face in Mother Hold My Hand, Karl Jr. just seals the wound with a staple gun.
- Off with His Head
- Psychopathic Manchild: Karl Jr. in Mother Hold My Hand.
- Random Events Plot
- Self-Made Orphan: Karl Sr. killed his mother at the behest of a demon, possibly Satan himself.
- Serial Killer
- Sequel Escalation: After two films with a killer slicing up random people, the third film introduces an army of Malevolent Masked Men, zombies created by a Mad Scientist and ninjas.
- The Seventies: When the events of the first film take place.
- Shovel Strike: A victim is partially decapitated with a shovel in Mother Hold My Hand.
- Spiteful Spit: Leads to character getting run through with spears in Infantry of Doom.
- Traumatic C-Section: A pregnant Karl Sr. lets his son out by ripping himself open.
- Trilogy Creep: End credits for the third film tells that it's the end of the trilogy. Cue the fourth film in 2010.
- Versus Title: Karl the Butcher vs Axe.
- Villain Protagonist