< Vindictus
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The Karok patch removed the much-hated token system permanently, letting people play the game as much as they want without restrictions.
- Complacent Gaming Syndrome: The game is falling into this. A lot of players, especially those who could fall under "Stop Having Fun!" Guys hate Lann. That being said, the game is getting imbalanced to the point that you have to be playing Evie, Karok, or Hammer Fionas to not get kicked from most random parties.
- Crazy Awesome: Vehemence, one of the Episode 6 bosses, is a Giant Two-Colored Ogre Pope. Who can shoot lightning. And wears a monocle.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: A few minutes into Karok's gameplay video...did he just stop the White Tyrant?
- at 0:37 and 1:15. Karok takes on dragons. Guess who wins.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Most of the boss themes, especially the Gnoll boss theme from Perilous Ruins, the Vampire theme from Ainle, the Irukul theme, and especially Glas Ghaibhleann from Episode 8. In addition, the mission clear theme is always welcome to listen to, even after a thousand missions.
- There's also the second Kobold boss theme, the Troll boss theme, the Ogre Boss theme, the other three Episode 8 Boss themes, and the themes for the standard and final bosses in Episode 9. In other words, pretty much every boss theme after Episode 5. One can only imagine what the BGM for the final boss in Episode 10 will be llke.
- The Episode 10 Boss BGM is out. And it is Glorious.
- Evil Is Sexy: The Succubus from Episode 8. Definitely designed to be Ms. Fanservice, since, as in the original game, certain attacks can cause her clothing to break off (and, unlike most other boss break-offs, there is nothing to pick up and no advantage gained, other than escalating levels of fanservice).
- Game Breaker: Evie with the Staff update. She can block any attack with mana amber, has insane DPS with powerful spells that have insanely quick cooldowns, and essentially has no trouble soloing any boss.
- Not really a game breaker. Loading Evie's really powerful spells takes a considerable amount of time, making them effectively useless against the Lightning Bruiser bosses common to higher level missions from Ainle onward. Mana Amber is very short-lived, and requires almost split-second timing. While Evie is one of the most powerful characters at low levels; starting with Ruins of Sanctity, she has a far harder time soloing bosses than Lann or Fiona.
- Goddamn Bats: Spiders, and to a lesser extent wisps. Especially if you're carrying an Improvised Weapon, since their attack will make you drop it.
- Player Punch: Ellis, who you spend the first two regions' storylines getting to know, is captured and brutally killed in the fourth Ainle mission, "Wake Up Call," by the mission's main boss, Information Chief Kalis.
- Happens AGAIN in Episode 8, when Gwynn dies Taking the Arrow for Keaghan.
- That One Boss: There's a few of these. Most bosses from Ruins of Sanctity onward count if you're aiming for a Solo Character Run, but even without that, there's a couple of bosses that are outright evil.
- Black Breeze is the first case of a truly evil boss. He's a Lightning Bruiser whose attacks are nigh-unblockable, and has a couple of Werewolf helpers that are less powerful, durable, smaller, and more blockable...but otherwise just like it. They fight together.
- The boss of Spider Overload is another bad one. There's a good reason people avoid it like the plague.
- Blood Lord, oh man why does he hate us so.
- The Weeping Queen is another avoided one. At first she seems like an over-glorified Laghodessa. And then she summons mid-boss class Soldier Spiders at 4-6 at a time. She can dig underground and pop up anywhere with a brutal attack that can one shot several players. She can jump across the map on anyone she wants (which can also one shot several players). To top it off, unlike Laghodessa or the Giant Spider, she's immune to Lights of Palalas. She may be weeping, but she'll make you weep as well.
- Now available in Hero Mode.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Significant changes to Evie's skills and play style were introduced with the Labyrinth expansion. Player reaction to the re-vamped Evie was about 50% this, the rest being neutral or favourable. The changes to her healing powers especially provoked this reaction, even from those who liked the other changes.
- It's Easy, So It Sucks: The most recent update which added Karok to the NA version of the game also nerfed the difficulty of most bosses. The game's fanbase had a mostly negative reaction to this, as one of the draws of Vindictus is the extreme difficulty of late-game bosses.
- By contrast, many players liked the nerfing of the Nintendo Hard early-game bosses; as it made solo play possible for many bosses that had previously required insanely well-organized groups to beat.
- It's Easy, So It Sucks: The most recent update which added Karok to the NA version of the game also nerfed the difficulty of most bosses. The game's fanbase had a mostly negative reaction to this, as one of the draws of Vindictus is the extreme difficulty of late-game bosses.
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