Viking: Battle for Asgard
Described by the Other Wiki as an Action/Adventure and Hack and Slash hybrid Viking puts you in the shoes of Skarin a Badass Viking. Having died protecting his village he is given a second chance at life and another chance to earn his place in Valhalla by Freya. Skarin accepts and starts his quest to defeat Hel and her campaign to conquer Midgard and Asgard.
Narrated by Brian Blessed! who gives an unsurprising performance stacked to the brim with Large Ham.
Tropes used in Viking: Battle for Asgard include:
- Action Commands: Natch, for a game that is basically God of War IN NORSE MYTHOLOGY!
- Arrows on Fire: There don't seem to be any arrows that aren't on fire- espicially in Hel's Army.
- Badass Normal: Every single member of your army is one of these, that is what happens when you recruit Vikings.
- Beef Gate: Major locations, and some wilderness areas, need to be cleared of large enemies through staged ambushes or sieges in game's plot, or being spotted by them leads to painful death pretty quickly.
- Brian Blessed!: He narrates the hell out of this game. If you look close enough you can almost see where he was chewing on the landscape.
- Combat Stilettos: Hel sports a pair of these.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Hel's Army didn't have too much real competition before Freya buffs up Skarin into her champion.
- The Dog Bites Back: Quite literally in this case, as it turns out. Skarin plays Mook to Freya and does her dirty work for her in exchange for a second chance at Valhalla. She violates her promise and Skarin reponds by unleashing Fenrir, a giant fucking wolf, that kills the gods.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Skarin has definitely earned the right to answer yes to this question. Especially since he single-handedly killed a god, and the Queen of the Underworld at that.
- The Dragon: Rakan is Hel's and you serve this role for Freya.
- Dual-Wielding: Done with a variant, Skarin wields a sword and an axe.
- Elemental Powers- Runes can be applied to Skarin's weaponry, causing elemental damage for a period of time.
- Playing with Fire- The Fire Rune.
- Shock and Awe- The Lightning Rune.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: it's about a viking and a battle for Asgard
- First-Episode Resurrection: Skarin gets one of these at the beginning of the game when he agrees to help Freya defeat Hel and regain his chance to enter Valhalla.
- The End of the World as We Know It: After you kill Hel, Skarin is pissed off by Freya refusing to free him so he can earn entrance into Valhalla. So he invokes this trope, except it's more of the extremely uncomfortable variety as there is a very severe winter for quite some time, but it gets better. The Gods aren't so lucky.
- Face Heel Turn: Freya, initially she is portrayed as being in a very difficult position since the Gods aren't permitted to kill each other and must ask a mortal to do her work for her. She initially gives you a quite fair offer of a second chance to enter Valhalla if you stop Hel from taking over the world. She then stabs you in the back once you do this once she realizes the advantages of having a warrior at her beck and call that must follow her lest he be cast to Viking hell. It doesn't end well for her.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning
- Foreshadowing: As early as the first boss battle with Drakan, it is clear that Freya doesn't treat her champions very well and that a Face Heel Turn is certain.
- Gameplay Ally Immortality: Averted- the soldiers you bring into battle will die as easily as the mooks they face, making Skarin's need to kill major targets like Shaman much greater, to keep the battle in the Viking's favor.
- God Is Evil: After Skarin defeats Hel he asks Freya to release him from her service so he may get his chance to enter Valhalla. Freya refuses, despite the fact that he just kicked the ass of the Queen of the Underworld at her bidding.
- Heroic Mime: Skarin doesn't have much to say.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Freya, if only you hadn't kept screwing over your avatars.
- Hollywood Tactics: Skarin's battle strategies are mostly "charge enemies with lots of vikings".
- Homage: The last battle against Hel is played very much like a more properly mounted assault on Mordor.
- Insurmountable Waist High Fence: Averted, unlike so many other games in the genre- Skarin simply leaps over top of them without pause.
- Love Makes You Evil: Rakan, who fell in love with Freya and made a pass at her. Not the greatest of ideas as "the hearts of men are fragile and not meant to touch the divine". Long story short, Freya rejects him and sends him packing. Hel's champion and leader of her armies who is now quite bestial in nature.
- Magnificent Bastard: Freya, who's been playing you the whole time. When you kill Hel she breaks her promise to allow Skarin to seek entry to Valhalla. It doesn't end well for her since if she had just kept her promise she would still be alive and Skarin wouldn't have caused The End of the World as We Know It.
- Mighty Glacier: Drakan. Skarin too, though he gets a little better with various upgrades that give him some speedy attacks.
- A Mythology Is True: Norse, natch.
- Mook: You, to Freya.
- Off with His Head: The combos in this game tend to leave every enemy in Skarin's way missing a number of body parts, and nearly every finisher takes performs a decapitation at some point.
- One-Man Army: Skarin easily qualifies.
- One-Winged Angel: Hel pulls one of these in your final fight with her.
- Personal Space Invader: The Assassins will leap onto your head and start stabbing at your back until you can pull them off.
- Physical God: Because it's kind of hard to kill them otherwise.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: These are Vikings we're talking about...
- Rewarding Vandalism: Money is earned for shattering random urns throughout the world.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Rakan goes on one when he is spurned by Freya. Skarin gets one too, when Freya refuses to release Skarin from service he goes on one of these. What does he do you ask? He brings about The End of the World as We Know It! He unleashes Fenrir and Fenrir's subsequent rampage kills the Gods allowing men to choose their own paths. Fenrir counts too given what he does once he's released from his chains. Come to think of it, this game is just one long case of these to the point where they just start colliding with each other.
- Scrappy Mechanic: While the combat was good and commanding your army worked well, the stealth sections where you have to infiltrate enemy strongholds are particularly annoying. There's no real stealth mechanic, you just have to sort of run from cover to cover hoping the enemies can't see you. If they do spot you (and they will, many times) every enemy in a very large radius will be alerted to your presence and confront you. Did we mention this was a game that could support hundreds of enemies, and they can all run faster than you? Mook Chivalry also does not apply to them, making detection certain death.
- Sliding Scale of Linearity vs. Openness: A type 4.
- Stealth-Based Mission: See above, though only a few missions really require noting but stealth, and there's some breathing room for errors.
- The Undead: Hel's army is solely made of these.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Skarin wears parts of armor, but is still mostly topless the entire game.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Hel mentions that she wants to control Midgard so that she can create her own world where all men are treated as equals. She just happens to go about making this possible by destroying and corrupting everything with an army of undead.
- Warrior Heaven: Naturally, for a game about Norse Mythology, this is mentioned.
- Zerg Rush: Attempting to bypass a Beef Gate is...not recommended. This also seems to be Hel's go-to tactic on the battlefield.
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