< Viewers are Morons

Viewers are Morons/Quotes

"So apparently, the quality of a movie has nothing to do with how smart it is. The only thing that really matters is whether it's the right kind of stupid."
"At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstition, misinformation, and prejudice."
Gore Vidal
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
"The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity."
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
"You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?"
Metatron, Dogma

Fry: Married? Jenny can't get married.
Leela: Why not? It's clever, it's unexpected.
Fry: But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid, and unexpected things make them feel scared.

"You kids don't know what you want! That's why you're still kids -- 'cause you're stupid!"
The Simpsons, "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochy Show"
"Why are we even going after this idiot demographic?"
"They pass an airplane where someone on it says that they just saw a UFO. The comic decides to inform us that a UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. And y'know, I do think they did need that, since the only people who would enjoy this comic have a brain about the size of a seamonkey."
Linkara, in his review of Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man #1
"In any case, we felt *action* should be emphasized over *plot* -- especially avoiding any complicated story line -- to ensure the success of this series with its intended viewers."
"Gotta love April Fools Day. Not that that's going to stop any of you from e-mailing me about this comic thinking it's real."
Duke, regarding one strip of Ansem Retort
"There's a sucker born every minute."
Not P.T. Barnum

(Haruhi finds Renge crying)
Haruhi: Why are you crying?
Renge: Ouran: The Vaguely Abridged Series fans are idiots!
Haruhi: That's pretty much required for enjoying it, you know!

"Because movie viewers are stupid and can't deduce success or failure based on what's been shown onscreen, we have Molly dictate from the sidelines whether or not Nomi is succeeding."

You goin' over niggas' heads Lu (Dumb it down)
They tellin' me that they don't feel you (Dumb it down)
We ain't graduate from school nigga (Dumb it down)
Them big words ain't cool nigga (Dumb it down)
Yeah I heard Mean And Vicious nigga (Dumb it down)
Make a song for the bitches nigga (Dumb it down)
We don't care about the weather nigga (Dumb it down)
You'll sell more records if you (Dumb it down)

Lupe Fiasco, Dumb It Down

Hello, I'm Miss Sensorshep, Head of Censorship! You see, the working theory is that most people are stupid, and therefore incapable of figuring out what's being covered up and bleeped, and therefore cannot be harmed by their evils!

Russell: Kids can spot phonies, they're very smart.
Noah Vanderhoff: Kids know dick. I watch 'em in my arcades. They stand there like rats hittin' the feeder bar to get a food pellet. As long as they keep pumpin' in the quarters who gives a shit, right?

Anonymous: I love hearing these complaints about Tutorials. Because they're all the same. "OH MY GOD!!! WHY'RE THEY TELLING ME TO PRESS AN 'A' BUTTON?! I've played games for 20 years!" Because, yeah, EVERYONE who buys a game has been playing for 20 years like you have. If you want game devs and publishers to stop treating you like morons, then stop proving them right when you bitch about the pettiest of things.
Anonymous response.

People aren't as stupid as you think, they're even stupider

Stig 'Stikkan' Anderson - Former manager of ABBA

Also, we may see that Harding sort of realizes that he has addressed the book to complete morons and they're his target audience in the interview, too. At one point, for example, Harding explains that Estonia is a country. The people who need to be explained that may indeed be promising readers of his book.

Luboš Motl comments on an interview by Luke Harding
"[...] I reject passive consumption. I reject the premise. I will have no passive consumers. Casanova will not stop and explain itself to you. It will not allow you to flip through it while you're dropping a deuce and waiting for Batman to show up."
Matt Fraction, in a 2007 interview with SuicideGirls

There ARE people THAT dumb and a mainstream shonen tries to have them as audience as well, so they try to dumb everything down to the most ridiculous levels so they’re liked by huge amounts of people who would not follow the anime otherwise.

TV producers say, "Americans enjoy the stupid shit." But hey, it's the same reason Eskimos enjoy blubber -- it's the only fuckin' thing available in the Arctic buffet, okay?

Dennis Miller
  1. after fans praised/lamented the series' end after watching the second-to-last episode.
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