< Video Game < Fridge

Video Game/Fridge/Developers

Fridge Brilliance

  • How many FPS developers get around not having the "+1" actual magazine capacity of many firearms: in order to evoke Gun Porn, the animation always includes the character cocking the gun. Since cocking the gun ejects whatever round was already in the chamber, you don't get that +1 to ammo capacity.
    • Just don't explain how you aren't missing rounds when the equip animation also includes a gratuitous gun cock.
  • Like many Nintendo fans, I was baffled at how even though they were working on the next Mario, Zelda and Pikmin games, they hardly even mentioned them at the 2008 E3. About a week later, I noted that both The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros.. Brawl suffered from mild-to-moderate cases of Hype Backlash thanks to being revealed to the public two years before release, and then their course of action made a lot more sense: they're trying to keep the hype for their future games from getting out of hand! -Bron Raven
  • I had one when contemplating how the Steam delivery system managed to get its name. Then it hit me - what controls the steam delivery system? Valve.
  • The very essence of Fridge Brilliance is both subverted and lampshaded in this post about E3 predictions from Betomachado.com. Then, it hit me. The brilliance is that no matter how hard you try to look for it (especially when it comes to hype about video games), sometimes there is no cloud with a silver lining. Think about it.
  • On almost every face button layout for a Nintendo system, A is to the right side of B. The Fridge Brilliance comes when you play Driving Games: A is typically used to accelerate, and B is typically to brake. Moreover, the placement of the B and A buttons correspond to where the accelerator and (foot) brake are in relation to each other in real-life cars.
    • Or you know... Nintendo is from Japan and they read in the reverse order than us peeps here in the west.
    • Or, since calling one button "A" makes it seem primary compared to a button called "B", it makes sense for that button to be made easily accessible to the thumb by putting it on the outside.
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