< Vic Mignogna

Vic Mignogna/Trivia

/wiki/Vic Mignognacreator
  • Doing It for the Art: Viz Media couldn't believe he wanted to voice Ikkaku (a minor character) in Bleach when he lives in Texas and would need to spend the money himself to travel back and forth to Los Angeles for only a few days just for those recording sessions! Anime dubbing does not pay a lot (BARELY an entire long-term trip), and companies there always employ someone local. Vic answered that he didn't care, and that he simply loved to do it.
    • Apparently, he's living there now, which allows him to do some voice acting work in LA. Word of God says that he also has his dubbing equipment in his home, thus allowing him to work with the LA studios, FUNimation, and even northeastern dubbing companies (seeing as he is going to play a character in Pokémon).
  • One of Us: Big sci-fi fan; and really got into FMA and Ouran (The latter before it was even licensed. Thanks Caitlin!).
    • Also did a spoof commercial for World of Warcraft, which he used the warlock class as a base for.
      • Plus, he adds he can even do alchemy.
      • He said that while he likes the game, he never actually played it when making the commercial. The footage of the gameplay in there is from a friends' console.
    • And he's a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series. Even appearing in one of Little Kuriboh's videos.
    • And a huge fan of Star Trek, leading to massive Squee on his part when he got to direct and act in an episode of the fanmade series New Voyages.
    • Apparently he wandered around Tekkoshocon 2010 as a Storm Trooper so people wouldn't recognize him. At the FMA VA Panel he admitted it backfired as more people stopped him for Photos due to the costume.
    • He's also dressed as Cloud Strife before, as seen here and here.
  • Relationship Voice Actor: With Caitlin, Laura and Travis.
    • And now Todd. They're in a rivalry where they try to one-up the other with video shorts.
  • Talking to Himself: For several seconds in Ouran episode 17...

Vic: But more importantly, I play the dog. The role I spent my life preparing for, Antoinette. So for the rest of this panel, you must address me as "Antoinette". Or "Monsieur Puppy".

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