Verbal Business Card

A character establishes their cachet by making a laconic self-statement, often in the form of a Badass Creed. This follows the formula:

"I am [Full Name]! I [Verb] [Nouns]!"

A variation inserts the character's role or vocation:

"I am [Full Name]. I'm a [Job Tag]. I [Verb Nouns]."

This trope echoes the old military tradition of revealing nothing to your captors but "name, rank and serial number," as well as the poetry of saga.

See Badass Creed.

Examples of Verbal Business Card include:

Comic Books


I... am the Waffler. With my griddle of justice, I bash the enemy in the head, or I burn them like so! I also have some truth syrup, which is low in fat.

I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls. And from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on, in your existence, is never understanding why.

Max: Me Max.

  • Apocalypto: - "My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter."
  • American Beauty : - "My name is Lester Burnham. This is my neighborhood. This is my street. This is my life."
  • Shutter Island : - "My name is EDWARD DANIELS !" (twice). Later : - "My name is Andrew Laeddis. And I murdered my wife in the spring of fifty two".
  • Gladiator - "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of ..."
  • In A Fish Called Wanda, - "I'm Harvey Manfren-gen-sen-ten. I'm uh.. with the CIA".
    • And then, in Fierce Creatures - "My name is Rollo Lee, and as of yesterday, I have assumed command of this zoo."
  • The Rock :

Stanley Goodspeed: I'm an agent with the federal, FBI, well... I'm Stanley Goodspeed.
John Mason: But of course you are.

Auda: I am Auda Abu Tayi, does Auda serve?!
Lawrence: Lawrence. I've been seconded to the Arab Bureau.


Live Action TV

Video Games

Web Comics

Western Animation


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