Vampire Saga

This is going to be a little bit uncomfortable.

Pandora's Box starts with a phone call to the protagonist Tyler Ward from his grandpa Matthew. Matthew starts freaking out claiming that either killed someone or is losing the plot. Tyler heads straight over, to find the house a battlefield and the stairs broken. In the living room, Grandpa has had a heart attack.

After Tyler finds an aspirin, Grandpa tells him about what happened in Puerto Rico, 1898. He was stuck there with no money or papers so he stowed away on the Pandora. One day on the ship, the crew are completely gone and he is surrounded by coffins. And that's were it gets confusing...

The sequel, Welcome To Hell Lock, stars the protagonist David Palmer with amnesia. There are some ghosts and a ninja sneaking around, and a goblin shaped demon, not to mention a zombified sheriff. All we know is that Pandora has chosen David over Tyler from Pandora's Box and that David was probably bitten by Pandora.

See also Stray Souls Dollhouse Story from the same makers.

Pandora's Box contains examples of:

Welcome To Hell Lock contains examples of:

  • Non-Linear Sequel: Subverted. At first they seem totally different in tone and content, but Pandora is back.
  • MacGuffin: Averted.
  • Fan Nickname: In-universe. The town Hill Lock is referred to as Hell Lock.
    • On This Very Wiki, we have "the Ninja" for the black human, "the Loan Sharks" for the people David owes money, and "the Goblin" for the ghost that looks like a goblin.
  • Cliff Hanger: The game is a beta. What's not explained? Now let me see... The ghosts, the ninja, the goblin, the sheriff, the safe in the graveyard, the tin with David's face on it, the notes all over town, and the loan sharks.
  • All Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks: David owes money to some of them. One of them gets attacked by the goblin.
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