< Vacant Sky

Vacant Sky/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Weapon
    • The Virad in general really.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Most of the soundtrack, especially considering that this is an independently developed game.
    • The soundtrack, which was all composed for the game, can be listened to and bought here.
      • The best examples, if this troper was forced to pick, would be Auria's theme Lie Your Way, which is the ending theme of the first act, Vagrant II, the second boss theme of Weapon, When I Die, the main theme of act two and A Story Alone, the ending theme of the third act and the whole game.
  • That One Boss: The double fight against the bandits in Act I was considered this by some players.
  • The Woobie: Both Seri and Auria are in dire need of a hug by the end of Act III. Auria also reacts this way to someone she meets in Act II (Mia).
  • Wangst: Auria, in spades.
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