Ursula Vernon

An American fantasy/sci-fi artist and writer. Creator of the lol wut pear "Biting Pear of Salamanca" (pictured). She has a fairly considerable Internet following, and has created a number of webcomics, including the very notable Digger. Her artwork can be seen here.
Works created by Ursula Vernon include:
- A Conspiracy Of Mammals (sadly unfinished)
- Black Dogs
- Digger (sadly finished)
- Dragon Breath
- Elf vs. Orc (tragically unfinished)
- Irrational Fears
- Nurk
- Gearworld (Both a quasi-narrative journal and a generic setting for many paintings; tragically unfinished)
Ursula Vernon provides examples of the following tropes:
- Footnote Fever: Terry Pratchett would be proud.
- Frogs and Toads: Second only to small furry animals in favor, it seems.
- Funny Animal: Particularly weird ones, like wombats, hyenas, coelacanths, snails...
- Funny Background Event
- Made on Drugs: "Toadback Road", which was in fact inspired by marijuana-induced musings. Averted with all her other work.
- Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: Many of her works are pretty weird. And often as not, her explanation is "I don't know either" or "I just paint the things, I don't have to know what they mean".
- Mood Whiplash: She has a very humourous style, and uses it even when describing very traumatic events.
- Not Evil, Just Misunderstood
- Our Dragons Are Different: Not only that, but every kind of dragon she draws seems to have different physical and mental attributes from the others.
- Perky Goth: The artist herself is close to being one. She is fond of her spiked black leather boots and provides the page image for Fingerless Gloves.
- Petting Zoo People
- Themed Tarot Deck: With wombats, but only a few cards were made.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Played straight with all her work other than "Toadback Road", as noted above.
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