< Unsounded


Duane: I question your upbringing.
Sette: I wager ya dish duty she's a girl. Girls gotta ruin everythin' with kissin'. Go kiss a goat, girl!

Questioner: You have turned formspring into performance art.
Ashley: My good man, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.

Sette (to Quigley): Your lad hates the hat you got him, he told me.
Matty (panicked): I do not!

  • Needs More Love
  • Nightmare Fuel: So very much.
    • The Red Berry Boys kidnap people to cut them open and replace their insides with some kind of smuggled goods. They prefer children, because you get the same money for a smaller body, and the girls have yet to develop breasts that get in the way of the dissection. Duane's discovery of a dying little girl is probably the most disturbing scene in the comic to date.
    • Ever wonder why plods are always muzzled? Zombies are constantly, insatiably hungry: even reasonable ones like Duane go half-mad when exposed to blood.
  • Tear Jerker: Sette's expression in this strip (spoilers). Especially when you consider something Duane said much earlier...

"I shall one day make her weep for someone other than herself."

    • Also, this scene, where Jivi desperately begs Matty for help, only for him to find out that his father's in collusion with the Red Berry Boys.
  • The Woobie: Jivi.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.