< Unrequited Love Switcheroo
Unrequited Love Switcheroo/Playing With
Basic Trope: Someone loves someone else, but their love isn't returned - until they enter into another relationship.
- Straight: Bob is in love with Alice, but she doesn't return his feelings. When he gets into a relationship with Carol, she falls for him.
- Exaggerated: Every part of the Love Dodecahedron flips when someone enters a relationship.
- Downplayed: Alice wasn't entirely oblivious before, but once Bob and Carol become official she realises she's jealous.
- Justified: Alice didn't realize she loved Bob until he wasn't on the table anymore.
- Inverted: It's not until Bob's in a relationship with Carol that he realises he loves Alice.
- Subverted: Bob gets into a relationship with Carol. Alice is glad because that means he'll stop trying to pursue her.
- Double Subverted: But after a while, she realizes she secretly enjoyed being pursued...
- Parodied: Alice openly and repeatedly mentions her vitriolic hatred for Bob - until he gets into a relationship, when those feelings are replaced with slavish devotion.
- Zig Zagged: Will They or Won't They?.
- Averted: Alice just plain isn't interested in Bob, before or after his new relationship.
- Enforced: "OK, we've dragged out the Unresolved Sexual Tension between these two enough, but how can...wait, I've got it! Let's have him get into a relationship with someone else!"
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Bob starts hanging around with Carol in the hopes of getting Alice's jealousy working.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
Back to Unrequited Love Switcheroo. Funny, you didn't seem very interested in it until it started dating someone else...
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