< Unnatural History

Unnatural History/Radar

  • The Pilot Episode: Holy hell, were there people actually firing guns at the kids?
    • Considering the rating is PG...
    • Also, when Jasper explains why one of the footballers doesn't like him, Henry responds with "Well why not just kick him in the--?" Only to be cut off by Jasper. You can practically see the actor's mouth go to say 'balls'
    • They also manage to get the word "crap" past the radar. Twice.
  • Steroids in episode 5...and Jasper's subsequent 'roid rage outburst.
  • This exchange from episode three:

Jasper: "You just scared the-you don't wanna know what you just scared out of me."
Henry: "Good thing you had the toilet handy."

  • And this from episode four:

Jasper: "She's trying to deflower me in front of everyone on the dance floor!"

Jasper: "She's been trying to pierce me since the seventh grade."

  • Henry gets a text fom Maggie asking him to meet her in the boiler room, and this exchange ensues:

Henry: Why does she want to meet me in the boiler room?
Jasper: Well, it's private...and dark..and it's the place where teenagers go to...oh nevermind, I just got the same text!

    • In the same episode, Jasper tries to sit down in a seat not realizing someone was already sitting there. He quickly apologizes and says it was an accident, to which the girl sitting there replies "Not according to Freud."
  • The mention of suicide in "Now You See Me".
  • In "Maximum Insecurity", it awfully looked like Henry choked one the the bad guys.
    • This episode also marks the first time I've ever seen someone chloroformed on a show that's supposedly intended for children. It also kinda makes you wonder why that guy was carrying chloroform around in the first place...
      • Well, considering they didn't seem to have rope or handcuffs handy as they tied Jasper up with what looked to be a spare computer cable, it's less Black Comedy Rape and more Hammerspace - one second the guy has nothing in his hands, the next: Oh, hey, look, chloroform! How very convenient!
    • From the same episode:

Trey: Or else I'll taze Jasper in a very vulnerable place.

  • In "Thor's Slammer," Jasper steals Henry's clothes from an outdoor shower and leaves only a towel behind, wanting to win their prank war. Jasper tells Henry he knows he would have done to same thing, to which Henry replies:

Henry: I'd have left you a tube sock.

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