< Unkempt Beauty

Unkempt Beauty/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character who doesn't need extensive beauty care to look beautiful, (s)he just looks good that way.

  • Straight: Alice always look good even with (or because of) minimal care with her looks.
    • Bob's five-o-clock shadow and casual clothes are a sign of masculinity
  • Exaggerated: Despite spending two months in the jungle while continually running from the Big Bad, with very little food, and being covered in dirt, blood and...other bodily fluids, Alice looks amazing.
  • Justified: Alice has never enjoyed the benefits of beauty products, but not the drawbacks either. Making her skin healthier than average.
  • Inverted: Alice actually has to spend at least two hours in front of the mirror just to look acceptable
  • Subverted: Alice is naturally pretty, but looks even better once she cleans herself up.
  • Double Subverted: Bob still thinks Alice is more attractive when she's unkempt.
  • Parodied: Bob thinks that Alice is still gorgeous while she is actually hideous and really needs a bath, a hairbrush and possibly some wax. Maybe a reconstructive plastic surgery too.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's natural beauty has caused her to become a sexual idol for all of her life, to her distress. She has been trying to hide and diminish her looks, but some find this to be more attractive, instead.
  • Averted: Alice isn't downright ugly when she gets out of bed, but she could definitely do with a hairbrush.
  • Enforced: The author wants to show that the character is naturally beautiful.
  • Lampshaded: "Damn, she looks even better without the makeup."
  • Defied: Alice deliberately makes herself look ugly when she doesn't clean up.
  • Discussed: "Alice always looks amazing, even when she has just gotten out of bed!"
  • Conversed: "Why is it that Alice always looks better unkempt than cleaned up?"

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