< Ungrateful Bastard

Ungrateful Bastard/Playing With

Basic Trope: One not appreciating someone's kindness.

  • Straight: Bob saved Alice from falling into the spikes. Alice blamed Bob for cause her to almost fall into the spikes.
  • Exaggerated: Bob saved Alice from falling into the spikes. In return, Alice pushed Bob down to those spikes.
  • Downplayed: Bob saved Alice from falling into the spikes. Not a thank is given.
  • Justified: Bob was a well-known troublemaker, so Alice assumed the spikes were part of his prank, and he saved her when the prank goes wrong.
  • Inverted: Bob saved Alice from falling into the spikes. Alice became his Meido ever since then.
  • Subverted: Alice was a well-known Alpha Bitch. But when Bob saved Alice from falling into the spikes, she thanked him.
  • Double Subverted: Once they get back home, she backstabbed Bob by reporting to the authorities that Bob almost raped her.
  • Parodied: After Bob saves Alice from falling on the spikes Alice pushes Bob into the spikes calls the police and says to them that he tried to push her into them and then lights him on fire
  • Zig Zagged: Bob saves Alice multiple times, and she alternatively loves him and hates him for it.
  • Averted: Alice is thankful for Bob saving her
  • Enforced: Alice forever hates Bob for no other reason apart from the fact he saved her.
  • Lampshaded: Bob gives a sarcastic "You're welcome!" when Alice neglects to thank him.
  • Invoked: Joe knowing that Alice would turn on Bob plants the spikes and sends Bob to Alice.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Alice politely thanks Bob for saving her.
  • Discussed: "I don't know why Bob keeps saving Alice. She never thanks him for it!"
  • Conversed: ???
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