< Unfamiliar


  • Anvilicious: Averted to unpleasant effect, showing how Tropes Are Not Bad. One is led to believe that a lot of the Internet Backdraft regarding Henrietta could have been avoided had the author been much more blunt about Henrietta finding her plans for Louise to be Dirty Business.
  • Complete Monster: Goodness, Mott. When Alex calls General Randall just three-quarters on the scale of evil to you, you're one sick puppy.
    • Which can come as Fridge Brilliance: The degradation of a human being to a mere animal (dog), constant abuse both physical and emotional to the point of brainwashing, the use of shock collars and the spew of superiority and righteousness of the Nobility... those are the exact same things Louise did to Saito in canon and while she never went to the extreme of Mort, she was steadily going there. The difference: Louise is a small cute girl so it's made a-okay.
  • Internet Backdraft: Henrietta's thoughts and actions in Chapter Nine have spurred... spirited debate.
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