< Underbelly
- Complete Monster: Victor Brincat and Thomas Hentschel are portrayed as this. Carl inched this way as Brincat and Hentschel questioned killing Jason in front of his kids. Chris Flannerly in the prequal, though frighteningly, the Ax Crazy Psycho for Hire was reportedly considerably toned down from how he was in real life.
- Benji emptied about eighteen shots into Dino Dibra, his best mate, and when the Purana Task Force were stalking him he said Brincatt deserved to be locked in a cage like an animal, which gives some indication to how bad he was.
- Bandali Debs and Jason Roberts in the first of the telemovies. In addition to the Silk-Miller murders, Debs' senseless murder of Kristy Harty is enough to push him into this category. Roberts arguably qualifies in that he fired the first shot.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: A CD had been released with each series, but due to licensing they left out the best tracks.
Let's start with the main theme, then the pilot opening to Spiderbait's Four on the Floor, and the end fight scene set to Pendelum's Tarantula. Episode 2 opens with Spiderbait's version of Black Betty. We have We Don't Walk, The Girl Of My Dreams, Come On Come On, But Me a Pony, Bodyguard and Shazam, all from season one.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: George Freeman. John Ibrahim also.
- Jerkass Woobie: a lot of people felt Benji fit this trope; while he did a lot of awful things, his relationships with his parents, Roberta, and Roberta's kids made him very sympathetic, and a lot of viewers were very upset when he was finally killed, even though they knew it was coming.
- Bob Trimbole also counts, especially when he gets cancer and realizes that Terry Clark is a complete psycho who'd soon as kill his lover, who Trimbole takes a liking to in terms of seeing her as a surrogate for his daughter (who he is estranged with).
- Magnificent Bastard: George Freeman.
- Streisand Effect: A rare example of an entire season of a TV show in a country which doesn't otherwise have notable censorship being the subject of the Effect.
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