< Undeclared
- Fridge Logic: In the Credit Card Plot episode, Lloyd and Ron max their credit cards buying stock. When that stock later soars, they are seen buying expensive stuff and goofing around with money. Where did they get the funds for that? Their cards were already tapped, and they hadn't cashed out of the stock market yet.
- Moe - Rachel, but that was mainly the actress.
- Retroactive Recognition: All of the actors are still active today, but most of them have become rather big names. Seth Rogan for Knocked Up (and most of Judd Apatow's other stuff), Jay Baruchel for How to Train Your Dragon and The Sorcerers Apprentice, and Jason Segel for How I Met Your Mother.
- A Pre-Smallville Tom Welling has a brief moment in the pilot as one of the guys Steven invites to their party.
- Too Good to Last - A lot of factors where involved with sabotaging this show. Apatow believes that the show premiering 12 days after 9/11 was the worst because it was hard to be dedicated to this tiny little sitcom when the world was falling apart.
- The Woobie: Steven. His parents get divorced and his father loses his job only 3 episodes in, his father starts to become an alcoholic, the girl who he has a crush on has sex with him and then continues to jerk around with his affections because of her former boyfriend, said former boyfriend chases after him and tries to beat him up in one episode, he constantly tries to find somewhere to belong through fraternities and religious organizations only to end up being used or lied to, and through all this is so-called "friends" in his dorm constantly mock and insult him. Frankly it's a wonder he doesn't just drop out.
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