< Uncharted


Fridge Brilliance

  • This troper didn't like the sudden appearance of the mutants in Uncharted:Drake's Fortune at first. Especially, after fighting a few and finding no place to hide. Until it finally hit me: They make taking cover useless. Meaning that the mechanic that you have been accustomed on for the whole game is no more. Rather than being an Unexpected Genre Change, it DOES make them much more menacing. This is much more apparent when you have to battle both the mutants and the mercenary soldiers at once, forcing you to alternate between tactics. - User:Psyclone
    • This happens again in Among Thieves. You spend a few levels platforming around cyclopean ruins that no mere mortal could have built. You chalk this up to video game logic even though it should be obvious that it would require nigh-unbreakable supermen to build such devices by hand. Guess what Shambhala is populated by.
  • In Uncharted 2, Nate can interact with various kids in the remote Tibetan village. He comes across a mother and son who are at odds with one another, and he advises the boy that he should respect his mother because she does a lot for him. Seems to be just another remark, but you find out in the third game that his own mother committed suicide when he was young.
    • Which could dive into Tear Jerker when you realize that he's doing this because he wishes he could be with his mother again. That kid has NO idea how lucky he is to have a mom...
  • In the comic book, Nate asks Chloe about her past, and she claims at first to have been a bored housewife in the midwest, and then, when Nate calls her out on her BS, tells him she's from The Future. Again Nate doesn't believe her, but Chloe is from Australia, which is over the date line from the US and in time zones further ahead of most locations named in series.

Fridge Horror

  • The ending of Uncharted 1 only had Nate defeat the villain. The mutants on that island still pose a threat to people that might want to explore that area in the future. Hopefully no one will ever think to venture there and if so the mutants will have died out with El Derado buried in the depths of the sea.
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