
An Italian comic series that shows the Disney super heroes as a team. Think The Avengers with classic Disney characters. The original story was scripted by Alessandro Ferrari, Giorgio Salati, and Riccardo Secchi. First published from February to April, 2008. There have been a number of sequels.

When Scrooge McDuck and his money bin disappear, Mickey Mouse and Eega Beeva assemble the heroes Paperinik (Donald Duck), Paperinika (Daisy Duck), the Red Bat (Fethry Duck) and Super Goof (Goofy), plus new heroes Cloverleaf (Gladstone Gander) and Iron Gus (Gus Goose) to find the Ultrapods, pieces of a hidden weapon named the Ultramachine, before Emil Eagle and his supervillain team, the Bad-7, do. The Bad-7 are composed of Pete, the Phantom Blot, Roller Dollar (John Rockerduck) and former Paperinik enemies Inquinator, Sapphire and Spectrus.

Tropes used in Ultraheroes include:
  • Badass Abnormal: The Phantom Blot. He had already faced Super Goof before, without using powers. Now he has the power to become liquid.
    • Inquinator as well. He used to be just a Idiosyncrazy Paperinik foe with a fixation on dirt, junk and garbage; now he has actual powers over it.
  • Badass Normal: Mickey and Scrooge.
  • Clark Kenting: Happens a lot with Paperinik and Paperinika.
  • Combat Tentacles: Pete
  • Continuity Nod: The Ultraheroes' base is Villa Rosa, from Paperinik's origin story.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Paperinika versus Sapphire
  • Enemy Mine: The Ultraheroes and the Bad-7 fight together against an Ultramachine-controlled Eega Beeva in the final issue of the story.
    • The bad guys are pretty resistant at first, but then Mickey points out that with no Duckburg, they'll have nowhere to rob...
  • Failure Is the Only Option: A Running Gag/subplot is Scrooge and The Beagle Boys enduring one Thwarted Escape after another because, well... it's The Beagle Boys.
  • Hero with an F In Good: Both new heroes. Cloverleaf is capable to help the villains if that makes him popular, and any time Iron Gus does something heroic, it's just by accident.
  • Monumental Damage: Not a big deal for a casual reader, but a frequent Duck reader will recognise this trope when the statue of Cornelius Coot is hit.
  • Psycho Electro: Averted by Sapphire. She isn't a nice person, but perfectly sane, despite her electric powers.
  • She's Not My Girlfriend: Paperinik says this about Paperinika, while she says he's not her boyfriend. Of course, since they don't know each other's identity, they don't realise that they are, in fact, boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • Shock and Awe: Sapphire
  • Sock Puppet: Cloverleaf sets one up to beef up his public image. Naturally, it doesn't work.
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