< Uglies


  • Alternate Character Interpretation: One essay in the companion book Mind-Rain paints Shay as a Psycho Lesbian.
  • Fridge Horror: Zane went to a costume party dressed in a black outfit with a red armband. And the Pretties don't even know how bad the Nazi's were, even if they knew who Zane was dressed as.
  • Les Yay: Shay gets awfully jealous whenever Tally gets a boyfriend. This arguably becomes Foe Yay later on as Shay becomes more and more villainous.
    • Somewhat intentional -- the author purposely used gender-neutral terms when Shay asks Tally where she got her locket in Uglies. Westerfeld was careful not to make his utopian future a heteronormative society.
  • Moe: All young Pretties have to look young and vulnerable.
  • No Such Thing as Bad Publicity: In-universe in Extras, thanks to their new economy system.
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