< U.S. Acres

U.S. Acres/WMG

The strip is Orson hallucinating as he slowly dies of hunger on the side of the road.

Similar to the Garfield fan theory. About 3 weeks into the strip, Orson is taken from his mother (since he's the runt and would probably starve if left there) but falls off the pick-up truck taking him away onto the side of the road. Orson demonstrates a strong sense of imagination later on but who's to say that it wasn't always there? It's possible that the farm and everyone on it are a way of coping. He may have found an abandoned farm nearby and imagined friends to keep him company. It would explain how it took so long to meet some characters like Bo and Lanolin, despite everybody living on the same farm. It would also explain why everybody's appearance changed over time and why Cody and Blue disappeared from the strip.

Sheldon is a Time Lord.

No prize for guessing what his TARDIS is.

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