< Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks/Quotes

Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds
Fire walk with me.

Numerous characters throughout the show

You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a nay-sayer and hatchet man in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another, because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.

Albert Rosenfield, giving one of the most kickass Jerk with a Heart of Gold speeches in television history

Cooper... an observation. I don't know where this is headed, but the only one of us with the coordinates for this destination in his hardware is you. Go on whatever vision quest you require. Stand on the rim of the volcano, stand alone and do your dance. Just find this beast before he takes another bite.

Albert Rosenfield

She's dead... wrapped in plastic.

Pete Martell, after discovering Laura Palmer's corpse

Brilliant! Heh heh heh... I have absolutely no idea what's going on.

I got idea man
You take me for a walk
Under the sycamore trees
The dark trees that blow baby
In the dark trees that blow
And I'll see you
And you'll see me
And I'll see you in the branches that blow
In the breeze,
I'll see you in the trees
Under the sycamore trees

"Sycamore Trees", Jimmy Scott

My husband was a logging man... he met the devil. Fire is the devil, hiding like a coward in the smoke.

The Log Lady

Come then! My log does not judge!

The Log Lady

He is BOB!
Eager for fun!
He wears a smile.
Everybody run!

The woods are wondrous here, but strange.

Judge Sternwood

Diane, it struck me again earlier this morning: there are two things that continue to trouble me, and I am speaking now not only as an agent of the Bureau but also as a human being. What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys, and who really pulled the trigger on JFK?

Agent Dale Cooper

At a time like this, curiously, you begin to think of the things you regret, or the things you might miss. I would like in general to treat people with much more care and respect. I would like to climb a tall hill, but not too tall, sit in the cool grass, but not too cool, and feel the sun on my face. I wish I could have cracked the Lindbergh kidnapping case. I would very much like to make love to a beautiful woman who I had a genuine affection for. And of course it goes without saying that I would like to visit Tibet. I wish that the Tibetan government would allow the Dalai Lama to return to his native land. Oh, I would like that very much.

Agent Dale Cooper

Would you like to play with fire, little boy? Would you like to play with BOB?

Harry, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just... let it happen. Could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot, black coffee.

Agent Dale Cooper

Without chemicals, he points.

J'ai une âme solitaire.

The owls are not what they seem.

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