Twilight the Musical

Edward sings his undead heart out.

"I'll show you Anaphase when I rip you in two

A blood-type taste test is my favorite kind to do"
Edward Cullen, "I'm New Here"

An unofficial, fan-made musical of Stephenie Meyer's famous Twilight novel, as well as the movie based off of it.

Twilight the Musical is made by Gliff Productions, a group of plucky high school students running off of seemingly no funding. What it lacks in production costs, it makes up for in effort (with songs set to all-original tunes and masterful editing) and many moments of genuine humor.

Being a parody, the plot is played with and differs significantly from the original.

Tropes used in Twilight the Musical include:
  • Actor Swap: For whatever reason, there are two girls cast in the part of Isabella Swan. The creators avoid any questioning on the matter.
  • Affectionate Parody
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: In-universe. Mike, Tyler, and Eric border on creepy in their pursuit of Bella.
    • Not to mention Edward himself as a schizophrenic murderer.
    • And Lonnie's portrayal as a Friendly Neighborhood Rapist.
  • Ax Crazy: Edward. Or rather, "Evil Edward", who lives in the mirror...
  • Big No: Bella does this on her first day of school when people start trying to be...friendly.
  • Camp abounds.
  • Catch Phrase: "Cold things can't feel love."
    • "I'm so clumsy!"
  • The Danza: Erick Martocci, playing Eric Yorkie.
  • Dark Reprise: The ending of "The Cold Ones" has a more ominous take on the chorus from "The Cullens."
  • Dawson Casting: Subverted. All of the young cast is around the right age.
    • Inverted with teenage actors playing some of the adults.
  • Directed by Cast Member: Griffin Lewis plays Edward, and he's credited as the series' director.
  • Double Entendre: "If you think you can go around playing hackeysack with any girl's apples, without any consequences, you are mistaken!"
  • Everything's Worse with Bears, including the incident with animal actor Shinnuko, as detailed in the blog, which became a Running Gag.
  • Eye Am Watching You, invoked by Edward in the second episode.
  • Hilarity Ensues: Pretty much the whole thing.
  • "I Am" Song: "I'm New Here". See title.
    • And not just the title. Pretty much the whole song is full of this.

Edward Cullen: I am a vampire.

Edward Cullen: I'm COUNT-ing on it.

Jessica: ... and then we had to dump the bodies in the ravine. But enough about my love life ...

  • Orphaned Series: Hasn't been updated since 2009.
  • The Other Darrin: Lampshaded in the case of the actress playing Bella being swapped between episodes. Her father repeats her name for inexplicable reasons several times during the first scene of episode 2, so that the audience will indeed understand that this is indeed Isabella Swan.
  • Parental Abandonment: Renee dumps Bella with her father, Charlie. Step-father Phil makes it clear that he doesn't want her coming home any time soon.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Jessica, which is... unsettling to say the least.
  • Product Placement: Charlie makes Bella "her favorite breakfast," a prominent meal of Corn Pops.

Charlie: But Bella, you gotta have your Pops!

  • Rescue Romance: After he saves her from Tyler's van, Edward and Bella share their first romantic look.
  • Running Gag: Every time Edward has a fevered conversation with his multiple personalities in the bathroom, he eventuallty turns around to find various baffled onlookers watching him, then he quickly tries to look nonchalant and shuffles away awkwardly.
    • Also the incident with bears, Chase's stupidity, and weird accidents preventing the videos from being uploaded.
  • Series Hiatus when the cast went to college.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Edward is this for Bella.
    • And Eric, Mike, and Tyler.

Tyler: I'm gonna give her chloroform!

Evil Edward (pretending to be Doll Edward): Listen to Evil Edward, Normal Edward! He's got a lot of good ideas!"

  • Unwanted Harem: Despite doing everything in her power to avoid being "smothered with too much attention", Bella attracts many devoted admirers (of varying degrees of insanity).
  • Wig, Dress, Accent: Pretty much all of the actors in the musical rely on ridiculous costuming to appear more like their characters. Many of them are in wigs.
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