< Twilight (novel)

Twilight (novel)/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Twilight fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

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Authors and Websites


  • Recommended by SpiriTsunami
  • Comments: AU, mostly. Good enough that if the names of the characters were changed, it would be worth publishing. Actually, she's realized this and has been rewriting many of her stories and shopping them to a publisher. I don't think that Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is on the list of those that are to be remade with non-Twilight characters, though, so you should definitely check that one out—it's really good.




HM Grayson

  • Recommended by Sarah 1281
  • Comments: Probably the best Jacob/Leah writer I've ever read but the stories aren't just about the romance. Several of them aren't even from the point of view of the couple and all of them deal with some of the glossed-over issues of imprinting, particularly on an infant. She Hates Me, for instance, in an epic dealing with Renesme's life from seven to seventeen (or four to seven as the case may be) and "Nessie figuring some human truths. Growing up is not easy. People are complex. We all make mistakes. And it really sucks when his best friend is a girl."


  • Recommended by: mollypop23
  • Comments: The best Volturi writer I've ever read. The vocabulary she puts into her stories are just incredible and her writing style keeps you reading for more. Her fics tend to prove that the Volturi wives aren't just Strangled by the Red String and have a real romance which is hidden within the walls(A Thousand Stairs). She also wrote two angsty AU's for Breaking Dawn (A Fractured Sort of Forever and Finitum) which left me wondering which ending was the real one.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Ashes through an Hourglass by Oy Angelina

  • Recommended by Racheakt
  • Pairing(s): Bree/Alec, Edward/Bella (Not really a romance as-of-yet)
  • Synopsis: The Volturi is the only life Alec has known, Jane is the one person he ever loved and control is the definition of his being. Too bad Alec might not know himself as well as he thinks... - A teenage love story 350 years in the making.
  • Comments: Companion piece to The Not So Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

Bree Cullen, My Daughter by

  • Recommended by jusk8lp
  • Synopsis: It was almost Renesmee's first birthday when Bree leaves the Cullen house without warning. Carlisle, who managed to save Bree from the Volturi, now leads the search for her. They must find her before Alice's terrible vision comes true. (Carlisle's POV)

Moves in Mysterious Ways by Lisse

  • Recommended by Suspicious Cookie
  • Synopsis: "Sometimes the prey evolves, or at least learns how to issue restraining orders."

Vampires Will Never Hurt You by zzzzz

  • Recommended by fleb
  • Synopsis:
  • Comments: Okay, this is not so much a straight Twilight fanfic as a fusion of Twilight and My Immortal. Which... makes a surprising amount of sense.

Didyme's Ashes by 1m4n

  • Recommended by Inkblot
  • Synopsis: A one-shot retelling of Didyme's death at the hands of Aro, which S Meyer discussed but was never shown in Twilight.
  • Comments: Possibly the best retelling of Didyme's story out there.

AB Type by Alcyone23

  • Recommended by Hokuto
  • Sypnosis: The Greatest Story Ever Told, by the Greatest Historian of the World. Aro has lived, figuratively speaking, for three thousand years. Have you ever wondered what he has seen and done?

The Golden Mean by ophelietta

  • Recommended by cellardoor
  • Synopsis: "Bella walks down yet another road not taken." AU.
  • Comments: ophelietta writes a lot of good gen and Jacob/Bella fic, and I think this is one of her best. It really shows Bella growing as a character and making choices as an adult.

Going South, And All Her Yesterdays, The One Unchanging Thing Is I, and Between one June and another September by be_themoon

  • Recommended by Verity
  • Synopsis: Renesmee grows up, gets out, and finds herself.

The Peaceable Kingdom by orange_crushed

  • Recommended by Miz
  • Synopsis: Bella is a sociopathic Manipulative Bastard, if anything it's Edward who is the "lamb".

Sleepers, Awake by Feisty Y. Beden

  • Recommended by philologique
  • Synopsis: Bella, compulsive sketcher of wolves, has not dreamed in years. Unexpectedly, she begins to dream again the night tragedy takes away her first and greatest love. E x B, sort of.

Friday's Child by Lisse

  • Recommended by ThinksTooMuch
  • Synopsis: 10 facts on Reneesmee, starting at her equivalent of sixteen and continuing onwards as she grows away from her parents and into her own person.
  • Comments: Also known as The Paper Doll Kindergarten's good twin. It addresses the same topic and the same issues, but it a totally different way.

Eternal Night by Asahel

  • Recommended by NateWinchester
  • Synopsis: An examination of the full consequences of Bella's choice, and what Edward did to her.
  • Comments: Dark with a humorous punchline.

Full Moon by Alydia Rackham

  • Recommended by Sarah1281, Lemia
  • Synopsis: Jacob said: "I was the natural path your life would have taken…If the world was the way it was supposed to be."Is that true? AU, a re-imagining of Twilight, starting at the beginning. Jacob/Bella, Bella's POV

Going Nowhere, Going Somewhere by Estora

  • Recommended by Ryan Lohner
  • Synopsis: Post-series, the Cullens decide to attend college, and Edward is stuck with the human roommate Caden Mills, an emotional pop culture junkie. Though initially dismissive and uncomfortable with the arrangement, Edward slowly takes more of an interest in Caden, and the entire 21st century.

Your Call by SteneMichele

  • Recommended by Twiddler
  • Synopsis: A take on the phone-call between Bella and Rosalie in Breaking Dawn.
  • Comments: What's said out loud here could have easily been canon, but it's Rosalie's thoughts, narration, and internal snark that make this one-shot what it is.

Four Square, by Joyful

  • Recommended by Zadia
  • Synopsis: Buffy and Dawn move to Forks and become a part of an entirely new supernatural world.
  • Comments: A very long (72 chapters and counting) work-in-progress that's a crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's incredibly well-written and fun to read.

More Than One by BabelFish42

  • Recommended by millernumber1
  • Synopsis: For Alice, some things in life are straightforward. Like not wearing white after Labor Day. But not all questions have simple answers. Why was she really avoiding Bella during her pregnancy? And how exactly do you define a family?

Freedom Triumphs by habeshaforever

  • Recommended by Kereea
  • Synopsis: Leah confronts Emily on the flaws of Imprinting. Emily POV. Oneshot.
  • A story for the Leah-lovers, the Imprinting-haters, and all the feminists who felt offended by Twilight. Leah's criticisms of Emily sound like any that could have been leveled at Bella. It also looks at how Imprinting might affect the Imprint-ee. Specifically in how almost every retort of Emily's is the same thing: "Sam loves me.

The Most Popular Book in the Whole World (and sequels) by Jessica Wagstrom

  • Recommended by Kaza999
  • Synopsis: A parody of the entire Twilight series. We follow the adventures of Friggin' Gorgeous, called Frig, and her space alien boyfriend Xlormp. It really must be read to be believed.

The Wise Man and the Fool by dasmervin

  • Recommended by Raxis
  • Synopsis: Set just after the end of Breaking Dawn, the Volturi return to Italy and plan their revenge.

The Wedding Crashers by dasmervin

  • Recommended by: MisterRandom2
  • Synopsis: After four years on her own, Leah thought she'd escaped her dismal old life at La Push. But when she's called home to attend Jacob and Renesmee's wedding, she brings a little company, and the stage is set for her old and new lives to collide.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.


  • Recommended by Molly Walker
  • Synopsis: A non-canonical take on Bella's transformation. One-shot, written pre-Breaking Dawn.

Wide Awake by Angst Goddess 003

  • Recommended by Lamore Vincera
  • Synopsis: Bella and Edward meet when she moves to Forks, and they find that they have one very interesting thing in common - neither can sleep without nightmares.

Mr Horrible

  • Recommended by Theobromine Cat
  • Synopsis: They meet at a gallery, from two different worlds. Watch as they learn... oh, who am I kidding here? They meet. They are opposites. They attract. Rated M for serious potty mouth and scenes of the citrus variety. 'The Gigli of Fanficion.Net'


  • Recommended by Patrick
  • Pairing: Alice/Bella Bella/Rosalie
  • Synopsis: "Bella falls in love with Alice instead of Edward from the get go."

The Red Line by Winnd Singer

  • Recommended by Lamore Vincera
  • Synopsis: AH/AU. Edward is a exotic dancer, and Bella is a grad student in psychology, looking for an interesting case study.

La Foudre by Kyilliki (Warnings for Gore and for some mild sexual content, for now)

  • Recommended by fayren25
  • Pairings: Aro/Bella
  • Synopsis: During their confrontation with the Volturi in New Moon, Bella was forced to stay with the Volturi in exchange for the Cullen's safety. While her stay with the Volturi, she falls into one of Aro's games.

Madness by Lonni

  • Recommended by Helly
  • Synopsis: AU. Jacob was attracted by Bella because she was destined to give birth to his twin soul. But what if Jacob himself was the father of Bella's daughter?

This 20th Century of Angst, Neurosis, and Panic [dead link] by Britta/oxymoronassoc

  • Recommended by Strannik
  • Pairings: Edward/Blair
  • Synopsis: A spoiled socialite and a brooding immortal find solace in accidental acquaintance

The Meadow Scene Redone by Aradia Lestat-Ming Ue

  • Recommended by fayren25
  • Pairings: Edward/Bella
  • Synopsis: The meadow scene from Twilight redone in a sort of twisted way.

A Very Underestimated Emotion by Rockstorm

  • Recommended by Otaku998
  • Pairings: Jacob/Edward
  • Synopsis: Basically a rewrite of Eclipse that fills in the the plot holes by creating a relationship between Jacob and Edward.

Sometimes, We Kick Ass by Tuna Salad Sonnet

  • Recommended by Lysandra
  • Pairings: Emmett/Angela
  • Synopsis: A series of drabbles for an unusual pairing.

Un Fantasma Tra Noi by Dear Testament

  • Recommended by Dark Grapefruit
  • Pairing: Jasper/Bella
  • Synopsis: Jasper seeks Bella out after detecting her scent at school. He loses control, and now he finds himself falling in love with a girl he may have already killed. Lemons, violence, slight AU, Darksper, and Ghost!Bella.

Edward The Sugar Queen by Nina Wyndia

  • Recommended by Jicragg
  • Synposis: Edward is a sugar addicted seventeen-year old who thinks he is a vampire. He is in love with Charlie Swan, who drives in the town's supply of sugar every week. But when Bella arrives, she decides to destroy their relationship and take Edward for her own.
  • Pairing: Edward/Charlie

That Pain to Miss by HelenahJay

  • Recommended by millernumber1
  • Synopsis: Carlisle told Edward it was his decision to try and extract the venom from Bella's wrist in the ballet studio. Edward decided not to. Post-Twilight AU.
  • Pairing(s): Edward/Bella, canon couples

Firewalk With Me by thatsmscrazytoyou

  • Recommended by: missviolet
  • Synopsis: A new take on the Imprinting fics. Embry imprints on Jacob’s cousin. And if the reviews are true, her reaction is rare: the girl, to put it simply, flips her shit and refuses him.
  • Pairing(s): Embry/OC, all other canon, promises of Charlie/OC later and Leah.

Acting Out by eroticfan

  • Recommended by: Ghast Dream
  • Synopsis: AU with everyone as humans. Edward, Bella and Jake are juniors in Forks. Very NC-17 with Edward and Jake both bi. There's plot, angst, humor and romance as these messed-up kids figure out their three-way relationship.
  • Pairing(s): Edward /Jacob/ Bella

For You, I Will by dasmervin

  • Recommended by September Rose, Ephemeral Night, Muted Danger
  • Synopsis: "And you would do anything for her, be anything for her… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother." And Melanie Sampson liked that. She liked that a lot.
  • Pairings(s): Embry/OC
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