< Tuff Puppy

Tuff Puppy/Funny

  • Dudley hallucinating in the heat in "Hot Dog".
  • The entirety of "Super Duper Crime Busters", the countless highlights include...
    • Dudley constantly getting tasered.
    • Kitty's obsession with smoke bombs. "NOWHERE AND EVERYWHERE!"
    • Dudley accidentally stepping on the Chief.

The Chief: "AH! My tiny spleen!"
(Cut to an ambulance)


    • Dr. Apocalypse, 'nuff said.
  • Kitty's terrible dancing in "The Rat Pack". "Okay, looks like you [Kitty] have a hornet in your pants."
  • "He's also got a dash of billy goat, which I can't quite explain".
  • "Hi, Mom. (Beat) Well they're supposed to sting, they're fire ants!"
  • When Dudley's figure skating disguise leads guys to buy him food at restaurants: "I am never taking this off!"
    • Also in that episode, he accuses the old lady turtle of being the criminal mastermind.

[the old turtle faints]

  • When The Chameleon throws a canister of helium at Dudley and Kitty, the former after inhaling it jokes that he's "Tiny Dudley", and he lives in a thimble and eats mini mini waffles.
  • At the end of "Watch Dog" Dudley uses the watch one last time to catch the ice cream man. He succeeds, but finds he's now wearing a pair of jeans and has no idea how they work.
  • "Sorry, [insert character's name]. Or should I call you... THE CHAMELEON??" (hitting whoever with Kitty)
    • "Stop using me to hit people, Dudley! Or should I call you... THE IDIOT??" (Kitty bangs Dudley's head)
  • "No, Mr. I-only-have-one-idea-and-I-keep-repeating-it-!"
  • The Really Big Mission episode, where The Chameleon turns into a cup holder. "Yay, I'm helping!"
    • "Who puts tiny scorpions in a pen?!"
    • Dudley drilling a hole through the Earth, causing it to emit a whistling sound as it rotates.
    • The Chief trying to hit Dudley with the "Fist-In-The-Box" only for him to miss, and the fist to rebound off of the walls and knock a shelf full of anvils on him.
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