< Tsundere

Tsundere/Playing With

Basic Trope: A (usually) female character who conceals a sweet side with a cranky exterior, or conceals a cranky side with a sweet exterior. Most often occurs in UST situations.

  • Straight: Summer loves Danny, the school's resident daredevil. Unfortunately, his antics frequently get on her nerves, and she lets him know it. "Danny, you jerk!" Summer also probably denies any romantic feelings for Danny. "How could I like that idiot?"
  • Exaggerated: Summer's so irritated by Danny that even an innocuous comment can set her off.
    • Or she goes from deredere to tsuntsun in the space of a nanosecond.
    • Or she goes as far as to sabotage his stunts.
  • Justified: Summer's best friend, Shrinking Violet Alice, also really likes Danny, so Summer feels she can't act on her love for him. Danny, being clueless, constantly acts in ways that are hurtful to both Summer and Alice, causing Summer to lash out at Danny in frustration.
    • Summer doesn't want to be in love with Danny, be it his appearance, his interests, ect., but is, and is desperately trying not to be. The stress causes her to insult him.
    • Summer is in love with Danny but thinks being in love makes her weak so she covers it up with insults.
    • Summer has been hurt before, and has sworn off romance, but can't help being attracted to Danny. She tries to suppress the feeling by focusing on his negative traits and insulting him.
    • Summer has a Jerkass Facade to keep up, and acting rude to Danny is part of it.
    • Summer is suffering from a Cartwright Curse, and tries to drive Danny away because she doesn't want anything to happen to him.
    • Summer has Borderline Personality Disorder, so her feelings towards Danny constantly shift.
    • Summer and Danny were in a relationship in the past, and it ended badly. Summer is still attracted to Danny, but pulls away whenever it looks like they might be getting too close to each other, since she hasn't forgotten why their previous relationship failed.
  • Inverted: Summer represses her true nature by smiling sweetly and being oh so deredere.
    • Summer puts a lot of effort into being nice to Danny, even though the truth is she can't stand him.
    • Summer is a nice person, but she can't stand Danny's rude, dickish behavior and often calls him out on it.
  • Subverted: Summer acts like a Jerkass because she is, and gives Danny mixed messages For the Evulz.
    • Or Summer is actually a Dogged Nice Girl and wants to be Just Friends with Danny, but gets really annoyed whenever some of their friends mistakenly think that they're in love with each other, setting off her Berserk Button and lashing out at them.
    • Or Summer is merely putting up an aggressive to hide her past pain and angst.
  • Double Subverted: When Danny reveals his love for her, instantly Summer becomes The Cutie.
    • ...Which turns out to be true, when Danny confesses to her, making Summer feel completely awkward and embarrassed for overreacting towards her friends.
    • But eventually, she gets over it and starts to be more assertive with herself.
  • Parodied: Summer bakes a birthday cake for Danny, with strawberries arranged in the shape of a heart. When Danny notices the heart and comments on it, she hastily claims it was a badly misshapen triangle. Later, she admits that it was a heart... then takes it back. Still later, she takes back the taking-back, which leaves Danny hopelessly confused and Summer no closer to expressing her true feelings.
  • Deconstructed: Summer's Tsundereness is the result of a mental disorder; their relationship is abusive, vile, and unhealthy for the both of them.
    • After putting up with Summer's crankiness for a while, Danny finally snaps at her, calling her out on her behavior and telling her to leave him alone before storming off. Summer is stunned.
    • Alternatively: Summer become really unpopular with her peers because of her "mental instabilities".
    • Or: Danny goes out of his way to avoid Summer, as her constant verbal (and occasionally physical) abuse gives him the impression that she hates him.
    • Or: Danny is a Hurting Hero. A particularly viscous tsuntsun moment from Summer strikes him in such a way that it reminds him of some painful tragedy in his past, resulting in the last remnants of his "mental armor" shattering. He then breaks down right in front of her.
    • Or: Summer becomes like Asuka.
    • Or: Danny starts to literally feel terrified of Summer to the point that he won't go out anymore and run away from her in terror the moment she gets angry at him. This makes Summer start to feel immense guilt for being as Tsundere as she is.
  • Reconstructed: Danny's willingness to endure Summer's disorder inspires her to take medication in addition to a concentrated effort to reign in her more violent tendencies. She regularly thanks him for his support.
    • Summer shows up on Danny's doorstep that evening, and apologizes. A lot. Danny forgives her.
    • Danny reminds Summer of her favourite cousin, who was also a daredevil and who died years ago in a motorcycle accident. She'll never admit this out loud, though, and expresses her concern by be(r)ating Danny every time he does something stupid. (Which is often.)
    • After Danny finally asks just what he did to piss Summer off, she stares at him like he's an idiot. "What's it going to take to get it through your thick skull? Don't you get it? I love you, dumbass!"
    • Danny was a Stepford Smiler and locking up all his emotions because of the tragedy. Summer was trying to provoke him, and once he breaks down she drops all tsun-tsun premanently and helps him move past it.
    • Summer decides to pull herself together and finally admits to herself and Danny that she loves him.
    • Summer decides to go through anger management to improve herself, and in the end goes from a Type A to a Type B.
  • Zig Zagged: Summer is Tsundere, then Yandere, then Tsundere, then Cute and Psycho, then Kuudere, then finally Clingy Jealous Girl.
  • Averted: Danny's antics still get on Summer's nerves, but she pretends not to notice.
    • Ice Queen
    • Summer has no romantic interest in Danny whatsoever and is simply a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
    • Summer only sees Danny as a friend and treats him like a brother of sorts.
  • Enforced: "Will They or Won't They?? Let's make that question funny!" Often used when "friends" try to play matchmaker, and their attempts just keep on turning Summer into a tsundere, even though she usually isn't that way.
  • Lampshaded: "I'm 70% sour and 30% sweet."
    • "Maybe he doesn't seem that into you because he thinks you have bipolar disorder? ...Please put the hammer down, I was just joking..."
  • Invoked: Summer yanks Danny out of the mess he's gotten himself into this time... and verbally berates him before, during, and after. Little does she realize that Danny does this because he thinks Summer is cute when she's angry.
  • Defied: Summer's more forthright with her feelings for Danny, rather than showing her cranky side almost all the time.
  • Discussed: "You'd better not get on her nerves. Push her buttons and you'll get it."
  • Conversed: "I wonder when she's gonna stop calling him names and start saying "I love you?"
  • Played For Laughs: Summer is being a bitch towards Danny in public, but when she goes home, she pulls out a photo of Danny and gushes over him and kisses his face.
  • Played For Drama: Summer constantly bitches Danny out everyday whenever he tries to approach her. She has a good reason to, due to her Abusive Parents constantly treating her like garbage.

Are you quite finished playing with this trope, idiot? Back to Tsundere, you. ... Please? I-I'd really like that.

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