< Tsukihime
Tsukihime/Tear Jerker
- If one is softhearted enough, Tsukihime seems to run on these, with each route having one or two.
- This troper has to give props to Ciel's path (specifically, the "How can you not hate me?" scene), and Hisui's True Ending (for the heartbreak and sheer guilt-trip that was Kohaku's death).
- Traditionally, though Arcueid's True Ending and Satsuki's story (during Akiha's path, at least) are the well-known ones.
- This troper bawled at the bit where Roa kills Arcueid by cutting her in half, and watches as she bleeds out in Shiki's arms. The sheer power of Arcueid's Last Request, a simple kiss rather than the life energy that would allow her to regenerate, makes this one of the most moving parts of the entire game. The fact that Roa took a flying leap over the Moral Event Horizon by killing Arcueid makes the following World of Cardboard Speech and Crowning Moment of Awesome from Shiki even more incredibly badass.
- The Manga's rendition of that scene, and then the ending...this troper was on the verge of tears, and they were NOT manly. Arc's farewell just cut into the heart, and poor Shiki's reaction very much mirrored his own.
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