< Tropico


  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Hoo boy, where to start? Where to end? Uh...there's the first game's opening music, and then the Paradise Island opening music, and then Pirate Cove's opening music, and then that one song with the bongos and Irish flutes, and...you know what, let's just say every single song in the entire series and be done with it.
    • The soundtrack of Tropico 4 is even better altought it may not be as catchy.
  • Ear Worm: Tropico 3 is rife with these. La Gata Loca is catchy in its odd, quirky way, whereas Verde Y Madure and Asi! Vamos! take the more jackhammer-inspired approach, and...heck, about two-thirds of Tropico 3's soundtrack qualify. Made about 10 times worse if you're not a Spanish speaker yourself.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In election speeches, El Presidente will say that the island's rebels are "anarchists, who could not care less for this island". This mirrors the real life way in which many people believe anarchists to have no political ideas, only a desire to blow things up.
  • Goddamn Bats: Thanks to how schools work in 4, forget about keeping the Nationalists happy. (Basically, they hate immigrants...but you often need to hire a foreign immigrant to teach at schools to get the ball rolling, so....)
  • Hilarious in Hindsight, Not So Crazy Anymore, Truth in Television (The Pop Singer background was originally included for pseudo-Joke Character Lou Bega in the first game. Come 2010 though, and...)
  • Large Ham: In 4, the dictator you play as, and the capitalist leader. "Presidente, our current treasury balance is below negative ten thousand dollars! The World Development bank has imposed a baaan. On. Our. Spending!
  • Les Yay: The Womanizer flaw is available for men AND women, and there is no corresponding flaw regarding men. This fact was lauded in certain circles.
  • Lighter and Softer : The saga gets considerably easier with every release in the first game you have a hard time staying in power and your first election can be so difficult if your opponent has excepcional leadership than you may have to assesinate him. Also pollution won't be removed once it's installed in your island so enviromentalist Tropicans will be displeased helplessly. In later games you can get more careless and the game won't punish you as in the first game, almost everything is cheaper, the foreign aid is higher from the start and logistics and mobility are less painful with the adition of cars. In the 4th game you won't even need an agrarian base as you can import everything from abroad with no penalties. Also your avatar does not have to pick two mandatory flaws as before. It's generally very easy to please every faction now and some veterans comment the game gradually shifted from a caribean political simulation to a city-builder with caribbean flavour.
  • Magnificent Bastard: El Presidente certainly shows signs of this in campaign mode. In particular, there's the Isla Desconida mission in 4, where El Presidente gets the island accepted as a European colony, then starts a socialist revolution against...himself. Led by himself. To install himself as the ruler. The soviet agent and Penultimo are both pretty confused by the end.
  • Memetic Mutation: BUILD STATUES.
    • Due to the limited number of lines given to Juanito, your main radio guy in Tropico 3, and due to the huge number of times he speaks, he's responsible for many.
      • BIG FURRY HUG!
  • Mood Whiplash: The tone of 4 is largely light-hearted, and all announcements from faction heads are at the worst darkly humourous... until you fail to provide enough food. Then Reverend Esteban will matter-of-factly inform you that he officiated at the funeral of another starvation victim today. A young child.
  • The Scrappy: Juanito failed to win himself many fans due to his repetitiveness and Large Ham tendencies (which does not mix at all well with low-fi radio) - so much so that the Absolute Power expansion pack allowed you to execute him and shut him up for good. Unfortunately, this was balanced out by the introduction of the infinitely more annoying Betty Boom.[1]
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