Troops of Doom
TROOPS OF DOOM is an action-figure comic by Kraig Furtado. It features a massive, three-way battle between the Star Wars Empire, G.I. Joe and Cobra. At stake are control of the galaxy, and the ancient super-technology known as Legotech. It won't be easy, though: none of the three sides have more guns or fewer idiots than the others, and the Legotech's mysterious Legonian builders are still out there...
The comic can be found here.. It averages two updates a week.
- Bad Boss: Cobra Commander doesn't have people executed for minor disappointments...he prefers ordering savage beatings.
- Battle Cry: The usual ones from Cobra and the Joes, plus the Legonians' battle cry of "LEGOOO!"
- Bounty Hunter: Plenty of them, mostly from Star Wars.
- Built With Lego: Legotech, natch. It's incredibly valuable because it basically runs on Clap Your Hands If You Believe. If you can build an agglomeration of Legotech vaguely resembling the device you want, it will function perfectly as such.
Rock 'n Roll: What are you building, Clutch?
Clutch: Haven't decided yet. Either a Doomsday Device or an ice cream maker.
- Butt Monkey: Boba Fett.
- Call a Human a Meatbag: Due to their tiny stature, the Legonians call normal humans "longshanks".
- Cannot Keep a Secret: Trooper Adams.
Hackett: See, this is exactly why Lord Vader washed you out of spy school.
- Colonel Kilgore: Captain "Die" Young.
- Crush! Kill! Destroy!: The BATL.
- Dissonant Serenity: Part of what makes Legonians so creepy. They always have that little smile on their faces, even when they're snarling out threats of gruesome revenge.
- The Ditz: Boba Fett.
- Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: Garidan the information broker. His feats include selling the Joes the location of the Legotech in their own stash, and turning himself in for the Imperial bounty on him and getting away with it.
- Draft Dodging/I Will Fight No More Forever: The assorted snowtroopers on the prison ice-planet Rura Penthe pulled an oddly touching example. When war was declared, they all decided that they didn't want to fight and die, especially against fellow snowtroopers who had become their friends. And especially especially given that all three factions can simply tell their respective bosses huge lies involving the words "we killed them all" and then get back to their drunken rocket-ski experiments.
- LEGO Body Parts/Detachable Lower Half/Who Needs Their Whole Body?: Legonians.
- MacGuffin: Legotech.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Mindbender.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Between The Empire from Star Wars, both factions from G.I. Joe, and an alien race called the Legonians. With guest appearances from anybody else the author had an action figure of.
- Mini-Mecha/Transforming Mecha: The Legonians are fond of these.
- Mundane Solution: Done here when MARS still can't find a way to armor the chest of their Battle Android Trooper.
Cobra Commander: You, retrieve that block of wood we use to hold the door open. And some masking tape.
- Mundane Utility: Featuring such exploits as using a flamethrower to light a cigarette.
Clutch: Steady...Watch the beard...
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Colwell at one point got turned into one by Dr. Mindbender. He gets better.
- Red Shirt: Played for Laughs as an actual curse that affects red clothing.
- Running Gag: The defective BATs, people mocking Snow Job's skis, Crimson Guard members being surgically modified to look like Fred and then dying...
- Sufficiently Advanced Alien: The Legonians, who come prepared with Legotech.
- Suicidal Pacifist: Uhura, the Federation exchange officer.
Duke: I had to gag her because she wouldn't shut up. Started taking crazy. Making up words, like "negotiate" and "compromise".
- Truce Zone: The Merc Union tries and fails. Rura Penthe does it without trying.
- Unusual Euphemism: Yotz!